How can policies be used as a tool to help people feel less alone in the world? When COVID-19 broke out in 2020, I felt deeply alone and isolated from society ...
The theme for Children's Mental Health Week (February 5 to 11, 2024) this year, the 10 of the campaignth year, it's 'My Voice Matters'. Childhood does not ...
How do mental health problems affect the likelihood of food security? This question is difficult to answer empirically for (at least) two main reasons: ...
Mental health is as important as physical ...
The survey also suggests that the UK is a nation where people toss and turn at night, with six in ten saying poor sleep contributes to stress and burnout ...
Hello friends and happy new year! Since I've written several New Year's posts on this blog, I thought I'd try again in 2024. In previous years, my ...
The United States is in a child and adolescent mental health emergency, as well as a national mental health crisis for Americans of all ages. While everyone ...
Affiliate link notice: As an affiliate of BetterHelp and other third-party vendors, we may receive compensation if you make a purchase using the links provided ...
Every winter, I write a version of this post. I wrote it last year… and the year before… and the year before. Sometimes the mail arrives in November; ...
As lawmakers prepare for a new year and grapple with budget decisions that use up their surplus or address deficits, there are important opportunities for ...