
Kahneman and Tversky's prospect theory They postulate that individuals have loss aversion. What is loss aversion? This means that people experience ...

In This episode, Tina talks about her recent experience in her 14-week fat loss phase. Throughout her journey, she faced some major challenges, but she ...

In This episode, Tina shares some macro-free approaches to losing weight and improving body composition. Tracking macros isn't for everyone, so she shares ...

I had the pleasure of moderating a post-screening talk for rally caps at ReelAbilities' flagship festival in New York. A short film, deaf giants was ...

For years, a certain acidic pantry food has circulated as a home remedy for everything from blood sugar control to digestion and weight loss. Tip: Some ...

What happens when a person with hearing loss attends an audiologist conference? We take a look at the future of hearing care, including new innovations ...

Of all the reasons to try whey protein, weight loss probably flies under the radar. But is weight protein good for weight loss? What does whey protein do ...

In This episode, Tina talks about the importance of having the right mindset when losing weight. She shares real-life strategies to implement, mindset ...

Hearing loss advocacy comes to TEDx! Congratulations to HLAA advisor and hearing circuit advocate Juliëtte Sterkens, Au.D. Her TEDxOshkosh talk, ...

"Don't get pickled!" the clinic leader advised with a smile. It was my first time playing pickleball, the hot new sport taking over the nation. ...

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