Although we sometimes complain about today's hearing aids, we should be very grateful! During a visit to London, I came across hearing aids from the ...
There are so many emotions associated with hearing loss that it can sometimes feel overwhelming. I'm frustrated! I feel excluded. Why can't ...
When I entered the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) in Phoenix, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. I was home. At most conferences I ...
At a May 16 hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, experts argued for adding comprehensive dental coverage to Medicare ...
I had the pleasure of moderating a post-screening talk for rally caps at ReelAbilities' flagship festival in New York. A short film, deaf giants was ...
What happens when a person with hearing loss attends an audiologist conference? We take a look at the future of hearing care, including new innovations ...
Hearing loss advocacy comes to TEDx! Congratulations to HLAA advisor and hearing circuit advocate Juliëtte Sterkens, Au.D. Her TEDxOshkosh talk, ...
"Don't get pickled!" the clinic leader advised with a smile. It was my first time playing pickleball, the hot new sport taking over the nation. ...
Social misperceptions about hearing loss can prevent people from seeking the help they need. And even when we seek help, our doctors can minimize the ...
Every January, much of the world pauses to start again. It's a new year. A new opportunity. A new opportunity for happiness and hope. Some people ...