In this episodeTina breaks down the key indicators that determine whether you're ready for a fat loss phase, or not. She emphasizes the importance of ...
In this episodeCarrots 'N' Cake trainer Emma Hammond returns to tackle the all-too-common challenge of weight loss plateaus. She breaks down why plateaus ...
In this episodeTina sits down with Emma Hammond, a rock star trainer from Carrots 'N' Cake, to talk about setting realistic expectations during a fat loss ...
In this episodeTina explains how to strategically plan and execute a successful fat loss phase without extreme methods. She shares her approach to ...
In this episodeTina breaks down the 5 biggest mistakes that are potentially sabotaging your fat loss efforts. From chronic dieting and excessive cardio to ...
In This episodeTina sits down with nutrition coach Robyn Stewart, RN, to discuss common challenges women face when trying to lose weight. Robyn highlights ...
How can we explain the declining risk of stroke as the Japanese diet became westernized with more meat and dairy? Like Japan westernizedThe country's ...
In This episodeTina speaks with certified personal trainer and holistic wellness coach Kim Schaper. While many women try to “balance” hormones to lose ...
In This episode, Tina talks about her recent experience in her 14-week fat loss phase. Throughout her journey, she faced some major challenges, but she ...
In This episode, Tina shares some macro-free approaches to losing weight and improving body composition. Tracking macros isn't for everyone, so she shares ...