It appears that healthcare spending as a percentage of GDP has stabilized. While it reached close to 20% of GDP during ...
The term “caregiver QALY” was coined in an article by Mott et al. (2023) and is identified as the case where "It is possible that an effective treatment ...
According to an article by Miljković et al. (2023)the answer is 'No'. The authors examine cancer treatments with FDA ...
…well, at least real interest. While the years since the COVID-19 pandemic have seen nominal interest rates rise, over ...
The hill reports to day what: He Biden The administration is implementing a framework to enforce government authorities over drugs developed with ...
This question is particularly relevant with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the requirement that CMS ...
As people live longer, governments and employers are considering increasing the age at which people may become eligible ...
That is the discovery of a CDC report released this month. Mortality rates fell 24% between 2001 and 2021. Specifically, ...
How long does it take for different countries/regions to approve new drugs? The United States is the fastest and Europe ...
According to a recent article by Doshi et al. (2023)the answer is 'Yeah'! Why do people think otherwise? Many people are concerned that there is no ...