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The U.S. Department of Labor is proposing a sweeping new rule that would end the decades-long practice of allowing employers to pay workers with disabilities ...

Are you battling dry, blotchy skin this winter? You are not alone! As temperatures drop, we face unique challenges that can cause our bodies to crave ...

In a very stimulating conference, Eric Topol, MDBestselling author and practicing cardiologist at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego and editor-in-chief of ...

Have you ever met someone with bipolar disorder who insisted they weren't sick or even believed that everyone else was the problem and not them? ...

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In this episodeTina joins her fellow Carrots 'N' Cake coaches Emma Hammond and Nichole Kreuger to explore how alcohol can exacerbate stress, practical ...

I am sharing a review of the Lifewave X39 patches and whether I think they are worth it. Hello friends! I hope your day goes well and that you had a ...

New number The improbable and majority story of the origin of the new mobility For 35 years, New Mobility has ...

Inside: Do you need inspiration for your Christmas gifts? These are some of my favorite things and they all make great gifts. As with all of my gift ...

Although they will remain independent, the Joint Commission and the National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) have announced a strategic alliance to ...

the kitchen is the heart of many homes. It represents who you are and what you love, so it should match your sustainable values. Get inspired by the steps ...

I love gardening, working the soil, planting tiny seeds and watching them grow. A few weeks ago, while pulling crab from kale, I found ...

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