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December 31, 2023 7 CommentsThis Mexican chicken soup recipe will chase away the winter blues.Because? Well, first of all, it's hot! Nothing like a hot ...

“Strong” is our word for 2024. And building strength is about much more than spending time on the weight rack (although that's important too!). Follow ...

Men over 50 don't have to let health problems, old injuries or aging keep them from being healthy. Doctors recommend regular exercise to help men over 50 ...

You can lose a pound of fat by skipping just 10 calories a day or up to 55, depending on whether you're improving food quality or restricting food ...

A Nashville-based medical group called Imagine Pediatrics is partnering with health plans on a value-based payment model that brings 24/7 medical, behavioral ...

Affiliate link notice: As an affiliate of BetterHelp and other third-party vendors, we may receive compensation if you make a purchase using the links provided ...

Taking prescription medications may be more American than apple pie. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost half the people ...

Are you over 35 years old and finding it difficult to see improvements in your body composition? Read on to learn the reasons why you're not seeing lean ...

You've probably heard of warm-ups that prepare your body for action, but what about cool-down stretches? They may not get the attention, but they are ...

For children with disabilities, adaptive cycling provides motivational and therapeutic opportunities to build muscle strength and improve range of ...

If you think that the ability to achieve orgasm depends solely on genital stimulation, you may be surprised. “Orgasm doesn't really happen in the genitals. ...

Historically, a severe underinvestment in mental health resources has left counties and cities with the responsibility of responding to people in crisis in ...

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