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March 17, 2024 44 CommentsThis is the best vegetable soup recipe on my entire block! Or maybe in this house?You're probably thinking you need to find a way ...

For a while, we felt like we'd gotten over our paranoia about eggs. Studies emerged that showed that dietary cholesterol intake from eggs was not so closely ...

Cola Boyy, the California singer-songwriter who collaborated with MGMT and the Avalanches and advocated for people with disabilities, has died. She was 34 ...

Cheat on Latkes with Latkes. Calling all latke lovers: we're cooking up a Hanukkah staple with enough protein to get your taste buds doing the Horah. So ...

Should we buy or build? As the leader of an internal software development team at an academic medical center, this is one of the most common questions we ...

I hate platitudes in general, but I especially hate platitudes when applied to mental illness. It's very condescending when people offer you ...

What is a colposcopy? A colposcopy is a type ...

I'm still struggling with things to write about. I wanted to do a post about the dinners Jerry and I have been eating lately, but I was hoping to wait until ...

Hello friends! Happy Friday! How was the week? I can't believe it's already the end of March and the middle of spring! I hope you have a wonderful ...

One of my favorite things to do is talk about hearing loss! I guess that comes with the territory as a defender. Are you thinking about using hearing ...

Are there safe and effective dietary supplements for weight loss? In a previous discussion, I pointed out that an investigation found that four out of ...

FFor some, psychiatric medications are the difference between life and death. For others, they are the difference between life and chaos. The stakes are high ...

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