Researchers believe a fossil discovered in a cave in Spain is that of a child with Down syndrome who lived more than 146,000 years ago. (Science Advances) ...
We have an uncanny ability to detect subtle distinctions in the caloric density of foods, but only within the natural range. The traditional medical view ...
He 340B Drug Pricing Program is a federal initiative designed to help certain health care providers, known as "covered entities," stretch their resources ...
IMuch to your dismay, you've been drinking four cups of coffee a day for 20 years. An energy boost, a delicious taste, a habit... who knows? But one thing you ...
Adolescence is an important period for mental health. Many mental health disorders first appear during these years. Sadly, the suicide rate is high among ...
Celebrate Independence Day with delicious and healthy 4th of July recipes. Enjoy nutritious dishes, from grilled vegetables to fresh fruit ...
New edition Shoulder Treatment Guide for Wheelchair Users As most manual wheelchair users progress along their path ...
I was prescribed hormonal birth control pills for almost 15 years and consider myself lucky to have never had a bad experience taking them. However, in my ...
Pride Month is a time of great importance for the LGBTQI+ community, as it celebrates resilience, visibility, and strides toward equality. It is also a time ...
Is there a difference between walking forward and walking backward? Forward and backward gait differ significantly in their gait patterns. In forward ...
In This episodeTina talks to Anna Rahe about her health struggles and how her symptoms eventually led her to discover the “feel good” system called fascia. ...
I share tips on how to become a certified holistic health coach. My favorite option is Institute of Comprehensive Health Professionals. Check it out here ...