Mental Health

Research conducted by MQ, Peopleful, and Northwest University's Workwell Research Center found that 1 in 5 employees in the UK are at high risk of burnoutand ...

I hate platitudes in general, but I especially hate platitudes when applied to mental illness. It's very condescending when people offer you ...

FFor some, psychiatric medications are the difference between life and death. For others, they are the difference between life and chaos. The stakes are high ...

Affiliate link notice: As an affiliate of BetterHelp and other third-party vendors, we will receive compensation if you make a purchase using the links ...

You know, it's funny. You would think that after ten years of living with depression, of experiencing it on and off, that I would understand it better by ...

This blog was adapted from a longest article. Amidst a backdrop of cultural shifts and persistent mental health crises, a new form of therapy emerges that ...

Understanding paruresisDoes the thought of using a public bathroom scare you? Shy bladder syndrome, or paruresis, is more than a minor inconvenience; It ...

This World Sleep Day (March 15, 2024), we consider the powerful effects that sleep and sleep quality can have on mental health. World Sleep Day celebrates ...

I am very excited to announce that I am publishing my second book. For those of you who don't know, I published a book in 2016, Lost Marbles: ...

dDo you consider yourself a creative person? Even if you don't, you can still engage in creative activities that you enjoy and that help improve your mental ...

Affiliate link notice: As an affiliate of BetterHelp and other third-party vendors, we will receive compensation if you make a purchase using the links ...

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