Fitness Tips

Sharing some tips on sugar cravings, healthy foods to control them, why you should enjoy a sweet treat whenever you want, and why eating throughout the day ...

Good news: Calendula is not known to have many adverse side effects. However, it is possible that this herb could cause an allergic reaction, especially in ...

Hey friends! Happy Friday! What's up this weekend? We have the usual basketball and dance competition, and we're meeting up with my dad and stepmom for ...

And this is actually twofold, because your effort in the relationship must be equal to your input (what you get out of the relationship) and, furthermore, both ...

It seems like the last post I made with a training update was ages ago, so I figured it was time for a recap post. I've made some pretty big changes in the ...

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science."

Jaw pain is, to say the least, irritating.

F45 is a 45-minute high-intensity workout that challenges every muscle in your body. Learn more about the program and tips for beginners and novices here. ...

If you have a question, your tarot deck has an answer, and each unique card in your deck offers a different perspective, advice, and guidance. In the case of ...

Hi friends! I have a new live podcast episode and I'm so excited to chat with you guys! Dr. Alice Honican. This is what we talked about in today's episode: ...

Every time I get a professional facial, I ask my aesthetician to recommend the best products for aging skin, and three experts in a row (plus countless ...

Sharing some tips on how to increase fertility and support your stress and hormone levels. Hi friends! I hope you're enjoying your day so far. I have a ...

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