Fit Bottomed Girls 2.0: A Comeback to Empower Women Over 35

After a four-year hiatus, the Fit Bottomed Girls are back! As a well-established OG women’s fitness blog, it may have seemed strange that we seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth for a while there. But what can we say? Sometimes life gets in the way and forces us to take a step back and reevaluate ourselves.

Like many of you who have had to put aside your own health and fitness goals to prioritize other things for a while, we are in a place where it is time to bounce back with renewed energy and purpose. We invite all women, especially those over 35, to join us in this era of comeback by reinvesting in yourself.

Return to our women’s fitness blog Roots

More than 16 years ago, when FBG was created, the women’s health and fitness space focused on eating 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day and exercising only to burn maximum calories. But it was clear to us that the perpetual pursuit of losing weight and trying to get thin at any cost often felt like we were trying to “hate ourselves when we are healthy” and when that inevitably failed, it led us into a downward spiral of self-deprecation .

Our mission was to break the cycle, disrupt the narrative of diet and culture, and introduce a new perspective, one where women were trained and motivated to be strong, confident, and badass. We wanted something better for future generations of women. We wanted a future where women didn’t look at the scale to validate their worth.

In the years that followed, we worked tirelessly to achieve that mission, and as a result, the industry began to change. Body positive messages started popping up everywhere. An alternative to diet culture appeared and women sought it out.

As excited as we were to see that vision become a reality, we faced a new challenge: what to do next? We found ourselves feeling that we had said everything we had to say and that we had achieved what we set out to do. And when the Covid pandemic hit, life began to take us in different directions toward futures that did not include the continuation of the FBG brand.

So in 2020, we put the blog on hold, hung up the mic, and wrestled with the future of FBG.

The story of the return

Life is full of twists and turns that can ultimately distract us and divert our attention from our personal goals. It’s not always easy to prioritize health and fitness when everything else gets in the way. But, as we learned during our break, never write yourself off forever – a well-timed return can be very nice!

While life has taken former owners Jenn and Kristen away from running Fit Bottomed Girls, they tapped Alison to take over, which they speak candidly about. in this podcast episode. A long-time FBG supporter, Alison was chosen due to her extensive experience in women’s health and fitness, especially for peri- and post-menopausal women, meaning the FBG brand is now fully equipped to continue supporting to women of all ages and in all periods of life.

We have grown, we have changed, and now we are ready to expand and reignite our mission.

Our mission and values

Since 2008, The Fit Bottomed Girls has been disrupting the toxic narrative of diet culture and introducing a new perspective: one in which women dropped the drama of diets, stopped looking at the scale to validate their worth, and, in Instead, they were trained and motivated to obtain a better quality of life. life and being strong, confident and tough.

We believe that better health and fitness should be more fun, accessible and attainable for everyone. And we’re here to help you get stronger, last longer, feel better, and learn to appreciate your fit butt, no matter what stage of your journey you’re at. Because, after all, Skinny pants come in all shapes, sizes, and ages.! Our new motto perfectly sums up this philosophy: “Your butt. Your life. Your way.”

We’re here to support athletic, active and adventurous women (and those who aspire to be) of all shapes, sizes and ages.

Our mission has always been to educate and empower women to empower themselves and drive towards a better quality of life, focusing on strength, confidence and being an absolute badass.

Our values ​​will continue to guide us, including:

  • Simplicity: Offering simple, easy and accessible advice for busy women.
  • Autonomy: Encourage women to exercise their own bodily autonomy without judging them.
  • Integrity: Commit to honest, ethical and evidence-based content.
  • Inclusion: Welcoming all levels, shapes, sizes, ages and backgrounds.

What to expect from the relaunch

After more than 16 years, we remain committed to creating engaging, empowering and educational lifestyle, health and fitness content for active, athletic and adventurous women (and those who aspire to be) in all eras of life.

This week, we start with a series of interesting content to welcome you back to our beloved community. After that, you can expect new blog posts every Tuesday and new podcast episodes every Thursday. Don’t miss a single FBG beat.Subscribe to our weekly email newsletter to receive all the week’s content directly in your inbox.

Meet the new team

The torch has been passed from our former owners, Jenn and Kristen, to Alison, our new owner and editor-in-chief. Alison’s leadership assures us that we are in good hands and that we continue the legacy with integrity and trust. Read more about our new editorial team and find out why Alison is the perfect person to guide us forward.

Join us on this journey

If you’ve experienced a time when you had to walk away from your health goals, know that you are not alone. It’s never too late to make a change and get back on track. We are there with you!

Join us as we continue our 16-year legacy of empowering women through fitness. Sign up to receive our weekly emails and be part of a community that celebrates women of all ages, strength of all kinds, and fit butts of all kinds. Whether you’re getting back on track with your fitness goals or starting over, the Fit Bottomed Girls are back and we’re ready to support you every step of the way.

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