Journaling prompts to use this fall

I’m sharing some journaling tips you can use as we wrap up the last part of the year.

Hello friends! Happy Wednesday! What do you have this week? My new niece is due this week and I can’t wait! I’m excited to make some baby meals 🙂

Today I wanted to talk about something that has changed my morning routine: journaling. I always heard people talk about it, but I didn’t want to try it because it seemed strange and uncomfortable. Am I supposed to just…write? Write about what? What if it’s not good? What if someone reads it and says what’s wrong with this person? It made me nervous to write something so easily, without the ability to brainstorm, strategize, and delete.

But, during a time that I will not name, something changed: I needed to put my thoughts on paper. I stopped worrying about it being good or perfect, but instead used it as a brain dump because my head was SO full of thoughts. It gave me clarity and peace and I have used it as part of my morning routine ever since.

My morning routine usually looks like this (sometimes it all happens, sometimes it’s broken into pieces throughout the day, sometimes only one thing can happen):

my morning routine

Probiotic and a big glass of water

Meditate on me PEMF Go Mat (code is FITNESSISTA15) listening to binaural beats on Spotify for 7 minutes

10-15 minute daily devotional/Bible study and prayer, listening to worship music on Spotify

Write a 5-10 minute journal about goals, a brain dump of thoughts, or where I see myself in the future. I write about these things as if they have already happened. It’s been SO crazy going back to some of the things I wrote in 2020 and everything has happened, even the ones that seemed really impossible.

After this, I will have breakfast (usually Daily nutritional support and Truvani protein pudding topped with berries and hemp seeds or Nuttzo) and supplements, make a coffee and then get to work

**Feel free to adjust your routine according to your unique beliefs and goals, and prepare for a calm, energetic day.

Journaling Prompts You’ll Use This Fall

If you’re stumped by the journaling part, here are some suggestions you can consider:

Reflect on your spiritual growth this year.

What lessons have you learned and how have they shaped your beliefs and values? How is the version of you NOW different from the version of you from earlier in the year?

What are the three goals you want to achieve before the year ends?

Write about how you plan to work toward them and the steps you will take to stay on track. Write about these goals as if they had already happened, the struggles you faced to achieve them, and how you handled these obstacles.

Visualize the life of your dreams.

Describe him in detail, including his environment, relationships, and daily routine. Write about it as if it already happened. How can you start working on this reality now? Create an action plan.

What spiritual practices make you feel most grounded?

How can you incorporate more of them into your routine? What makes you feel at peace and calm? What strategies do you like to use every day?

Write a letter to your future self, a year from now.

What advice do you want to give yourself and what achievements do you hope to have achieved? Write about these things as if they have already happened and celebrate them.

What limiting beliefs prevent you from achieving your goals?

Explore how you can shift your mindset toward one of abundance and possibility. Write down any limiting beliefs that are holding you back and how you can overcome them.

Set an intention for the season.

How do you want to feel during the fall and holidays? What actions can you take to align with this intention?

How do you nourish your spiritual connection during times of stress?

What rituals or habits can help you strengthen your spirituality this fall? Maybe it’s something like attending church or a Bible study, or even taking time to be in nature, meditate, read, whatever works for you.

What are the signs you receive when you are on the right path?

Reflect on recent events or synchronicities that affirm your goals. When things *worked* even when they seemed hopeless?

Write about a personal goal you’ve been putting off.

Why haven’t you started and how would you feel if you finally made progress? How can you take the first step? Create an action plan that you can follow.

What is your morning routine like? What do you usually incorporate into your day? Are you a fan of journaling or not so much?



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