How to do hot and cold therapy at home

Sharing tips on how to use hot and cold therapy at home.

Hello friends! How’s the morning going? I hope you’re having a great day so far!

For today’s post, I wanted to talk about hot and cold therapy, especially since they’ve been such a trending topic on social media lately. This natural remedy can provide numerous benefits, which is why I wanted to share how to safely perform hot and cold therapy at home. There are also a couple of important reminders and considerations in this post!

How to do hot and cold therapy at home

Hot and cold therapy is simple and only requires basic items you probably already have at home.

What is hot and cold therapy?

Hot and cold therapy involves the use of heat and cold to stimulate different physiological responses in the body. It is an affordable and highly recommended remedy to improve overall health and well-being. When you apply heat to an area, it helps increase blood flow and relax muscles. Cold therapy, on the other hand, constricts blood vessels, reduces inflammation, and stimulates the nervous system.

Alternating between heat and cold can provide comprehensive health benefits by combining the effects of both therapies. Heat can improve circulation and relax muscles, while cold can reduce inflammation and tone the body. This alternation can be particularly effective in stimulating circulation, improving recovery, and improving immune function.

Potential benefits of hot and cold therapy

You *can* do all of these things:

Improve circulation

Reduce inflammation

Stimulate the nervous system.

Boost immune function

Relieve muscle tension

Improve skin health

Promote faster recovery

Improve mental clarity

Increase energy levels.

Hot and cold therapy at home

Step 1: Gather your supplies

To get started with hot and cold therapy, you’ll need some basic supplies:

Heat packs or hot water bottles

Ice packs or cold compresses


a stopwatch

****Or you can do a full body practice alternating time in a sauna with time in a cold soak.

Step 2: Apply Heat

Heat therapy works by dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow to the area being treated. This can help relax muscles, relieve tension, and promote healing.

Heat the thermal bag or hot water bottle: Use a microwave-safe heat pack or fill a hot water bottle with warm water.

Prepare the area: Place a towel over your skin to protect it from direct heat.

Apply heat: Place the heat bag or hot water bottle on the desired area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.

Remove heat: Remove the heat source and give your skin a rest before reapplying if necessary.

Step 3: apply cold

Cold therapy involves the use of ice packs or cold compresses to stimulate the nervous system and reduce inflammation.

Prepare the ice pack or cold compress: Use a commercial cold pack or wrap the ice cubes in a towel.

Prepare the area: Place a towel over the skin to prevent frostbite.

Apply the cold: Apply the cold compress to the desired area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.

Remove the cold: Remove the cold compress and allow your skin to warm naturally before reapplying it if necessary.

Step 4: Alternate between hot and cold

To maximize the benefits of hot and cold therapy, you can alternate between the two.

Whole body:

Start with heat: Enjoy a sauna for 1-5 minutes.

Switch to cold: Take a cold plunge or cold shower (use filtered water!) for 1-2 minutes

Repeat: Alternate between hot and cold, ending with cold.

Unfortunately, this only works with a real sauna and No My love sauna blanket. That thing is electric and you don’t want to get on it soaked.

(You can also head to wellness recovery centers where they have cold baths, saunas, compression boots, and cryotherapy as recovery options. The mask works to protect you from the cold!)

Step 5: Check your skin

While performing hot and cold therapy, it is essential to monitor your skin to avoid burns or frostbite. If you notice unusual redness, blistering, or numbness, discontinue therapy immediately. Also monitor how you FEEL. You may need to start slowly in terms of temperature or duration and work your way up from there.

Step 6: Hydrate and rest

After completing your hot and cold therapy session, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and allow your body to rest. This will help your body recover and maximize the benefits of the therapy.

Hot and cold therapy can be an effective and affordable way to improve your overall health at home. By understanding how to apply heat and cold correctly, you can improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and stimulate your nervous system. This natural method is a great addition to your wellness routine and offers numerous health benefits without the need for medications.

Here’s the biggest, huge warning: It’s NOT for everyone.

People with circulatory disorders such as peripheral arterial disease (PAD) or Raynaud’s disease, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, or skin conditions such as eczema should avoid this therapy due to the risk of exacerbating their symptoms. Pregnant women, people with sensitivity problems, young children, and the elderly are also at increased risk of burns or frostbite. People with acute injuries should be careful, as heat can increase swelling in fresh injuries, while people with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) are at risk of dislodging a blood clot.

Additionally, those with autoimmune diseases or high levels of stress (a bucket full of stress!) may find that extreme heat and cold exacerbate their symptoms. Autoimmune conditions often involve increased sensitivity and unpredictable responses, so avoiding additional stressors such as extreme temperatures is essential.

I found that, for me, cryotherapy and cold immersions were *too much* for my stress bucket. My body loves the heat of the sauna, but extremely cold temperatures don’t make it happy.

For more information on understanding pain, check out this post on understanding pain. If you’re looking for additional tips on how to deal with pain, visit How to Deal with Pain.

Remember, always consult with a healthcare professional if you have any underlying health conditions or if you are unsure of the best approach for your specific health needs. Always talk to a doctor before making any changes to your health or wellness routine.

hugs and kisses


More: check out my favorite sauna blanket review here

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