It’s the forest, not the trees: 8 points of focus

YesSymptoms, coping, medications, side effects, dating, self-management, web searches: the trees are tall. In fact, it’s so tall It’s easy to lose sight of the forest. And how are we supposed to improve if we don’t know where we are?

‘Are my decisions and actions in line with my goals?’

The year was 1546. The English writer John Heywood published a collection of proverbs titled A dialogue containing the number in effect of all the proverbs in the English language compacted into a matter about two types of marriages, prepared and presented by Iohn̄ Heywood..

One of his epigrams is “You can’t see the forest for the trees.” She also coined “This is the nail on the head.”

The trees

Trees can be thick and overwhelming in our world…

  • “Damn, I feel so flat today. What am I supposed to do with that?
  • “I thought the medicine made you feel better. All I get are side effects.”
  • “How am I going to pull myself together to schedule my therapy appointment tomorrow?”
  • “Tonight I have a conference with Emma’s teacher. What happens if derealization decides to make an appearance… again?
  • “I spend most of the day self-monitoring and reviewing my findings with Dr. Google. “It has become a vicious circle.”
  • “How am I supposed to organize a day if I haven’t slept well in a week?”
  • “Okay, that’s all. I can’t take this shit anymore. Either he leaves or…”

If you’ve suffered from a mood or anxiety disorder for any length of time, you’re very familiar with trees. You are also aware of how quickly they can become life if you don’t want to know.

The panorama? What’s that?

And yet, others simply do not know or understand what you are experiencing.

The forest

relief from depression and anxiety

“So that’s where I am. Hmm, go figure.”

Constantly monitoring the forest is essential. Let’s say you were planting something in your most prominent garden. There you were digging and putting bushes and flowers in the holes. I mean, breathing hard and sweating, you were an animal.

But you know what? You never raised your head. And when you finally did, you saw crooked rows and an asymmetrical mess.

We cannot allow that to happen. And the only way I know to avoid it is with discipline, lists and repetition.

8 focus points

To get started, here are eight focus points, add or remove them as you wish. Actually, I could have said redirect.

Keep in mind that a list will be of no use to you if it is not easily accessible. The following assumes you have goals (hint).

Ask yourself…

  1. “What are my recovery goals?”
  2. “Where am I with my goals right now?”
  3. “Are my decisions and actions aligned with my goals?”
  4. “Am I taking good care of myself emotionally, mentally and physically?”
  5. “How are my relationships with family and friends?”
  6. “How am I doing at work or school?”
  7. “Can I look at myself in the mirror and what are my feelings when I do?”
  8. “Why am I alive?”

Now that you have a list, move on to discipline and repetition. You need to determine where you will keep it and how often you will review it.

Hititth the nail on the head

We know that managing a mood or anxiety disorder is a herculean task. Hey, I’m all for the grindstone, as long as we lift our heads regularly to enjoy the view.

In our world, we know trees well. But the forest is usually a stranger. That can’t continue. As John Haywood would have said, “This hits the nail on the head.”

Would you like to read more inspirational articles and information about Chipur’s mood and anxiety? Dig deeper into the titles.

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