layoffs Affecting IHS Employees Rescinded

Last Friday, almost 1,000 employees of the Indian Health Service (IHS) were fired as part of President Trump’s Executive order“Implementation of the Optimization Initiative of the” Government Efficiency Department “of the President”, Levi Rickert said for Native news online During the weekend.

However, shortly after, the dismissals that affect IHS workers were terminated, Levi Rickert wrote. Hours after employees had been informed of layoffs, supervisors began notifying the target workers that had given them a break, ICT ‘S Jourdan Bennett-Beagaye informed.

“The Indian Health Service has always been treated as the red steal in HHS,” said the recently chosen secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in a statement sent by email to Native news online. “My father often complained that IHS had little chronic personnel and without funds. To end the epidemic of chronic diseases that begins in the Indian country.”

“[T]The National Board of Health of India, the National Indian Health Council and the National Association of Indian Children The United States with tribal nations, “Rickert said.” .

“We can confirm that the dismissals were terminated thanks at least in part to the defense of the many tribal organizations.” A spokesman for the National Health Board of India said in an email to Native news online.

The mass dismissals affected the CDC, the FDA and the NIH, as our editor in chief on February 18 reported.

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