Learn why Sorghum is one of my new favorite grains.
“Although playing An important role in Africa and Asia as a basic grain, sorghum has recently become a potential source of human food in the developed world. “And it’s not Only a main grain in many parts of the world, but is also “critical in popular medicine.” What could your health benefits? be? There are Some in vitro data of test tubes and Petri dishes, as well as in vivo data, which means “within the living” in laboratory animals, but only in the last decade we have begun to see rehearsals in humans.
In a study, the participants were asked To eat sorghum pancakes or corn pancakes for dinner every day for three weeks. Both groups saw significant drops, from 20 to 30 percent in their cholesterol, but all participants also “requested not to consume eggs and other foods that increase cholesterol”, so that it could have played a role very well.
Another study used cookies. Those who ate sorghum cookies said they felt more satiated than when they ate wheat cookies, but that “it did not translate into differences in the intake in the subsequent ad-libitum [all-you-can-eat] Food. “So, do you matter that subjectively felt more satiated if that did not eat less? As expected, when you get to the test, those eating Sorghum versus wheat cookies did not lose weight, although the data are A little mixed. A recent study concluded that “Sorghum can be an important strategy for weight loss in humans.” However, those in the Sorghum group did not really lose more weight. However, they ate hundreds of calories more up to date, and still lost more body fat, as can be seen below already 1:41 in my video The health benefits of sorghum.
This can Due to its greater fiber or intake consumption of other sweets, such as the starch in the sorghum. The vehicle used by researchers was a mixture of powdered powdered powder powder artificially flavor with artificially water, powdered milk and sorghum or wheat flour. That can be good for a study, since you can do blind control, but let you ask you what would happen if you really eat all the food.
The resistant starch is However, exciting. Most of the starch in the sorghum is a slow scan, that is, slowly digestible, or completely resistant to digestion in the small intestine, which offers a prebiotic sidewalk for our good intestinal flora in our colon. Obviously, it’s not Sorghum starch itself, but interactions with proteins and other compounds that act effectively as starch blockers, inhibiting our starch enzymes. Sorghum Finnish with “the lowest starch digestibility” between the grains, so, traditionally, it was considered be a “lower” grain, but lower in the sense of not providing so many calories. (That is a good thing in the era of epidemic obesity).
When the study participants were given Whether a full wheat muffin (control) or a sorghum muffin, with both containing the same amount of starch, the researchers saw significantly higher blood sugars 45 minutes two hours after the subjects ate the muffin of wheat, as shown below and 2:58 in me video.
Them too saw A higher insulin peak, which begins almost immediately after consuming the muffin of wheat, as seen below, and 3:03.
In general, after the consumption of the Muffin de Sorgo, the researchers found An 25 percent response in the blood sugar, and the bodies of the participants had to release less than half of the insulin to deal with it, as seen here and 3:11 in my video.
The same type of results was found With people with diabetes. The researchers saw a lower blood sugar peak with sorghum porridge compared to the semolina, and the participants’ bodies could deal with it with a fraction of insulin.
So, we need to educate people about how healthy is sorghum and some suggest“Develop products that are … healthy, convenient to use and tasty.” There is no need! Sorghum is already healthy, convenient and tasty as it is. I simply press a single button in my electrical pressure pot with two parts of water and a part of sorghum, and it is ready in 20 minutes. You can do a big lot and use it all week as you would with rice.
Of course, there is not much money for the food industry when people eat The entire grain intact. Instead, the industry is looking for sorghum for its “enormous exploitation potential” in the creation of “functional foods and food additives.” (Did you know that With attention Can the sorghum empanadas to pork or turkey meat decrease their “cardboard taste”? Why eat sorghum when you can? wear Is it to make gluten -free beer?)
It’s fun. When I wrote in How not to diet On the subsidies of the taxpayers who go to sugar, the corn syrup, the oil and the livestock industries to subsidize the feeding of cheap animals to help make a dollar menu meat, I joked: “When was the last time who sat at a sorghum? ” Now that we know how good it is for us, perhaps we should take advantage of the rooms of one billion dollars that the United States is spending to underpin the sorghum industry and sit down to some sorghum after all.
If you missed the previous video, look Is sorghum a healthy grain?
My How not to make kitchen book diet It is full of delicious and healthy grain recipes. Check it here.
“Resistant starch”? Get more information about Resistant starch and colon cancer and Get the starch to take the path of most resistance.
For more information on the benefits of different grains, see the publications related below.