Way to the best health
Make welfare a priority
It can be difficult to believe, but being a caregiver can be rewarding. You can approach the person you are helping.
It can also be stressful. As a caregiver, he may feel that he has to “do everything”, regardless of the toll he offers. However, one of the most important things you can do is take care of yourself.
- Visit your doctor to get regular checks.
- Eat a balanced diet.
- Rest a lot. If you stay in sleep, take a nap when your loved one does.
- It may be difficult to find 30 minutes in a row to exercise. Instead, try to do three 10 -minute workouts throughout the day. In addition, find an exercise partner. It is more likely to stay with the exercise if you have a couple. Aim to obtain 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week plus two days of strength training. It will give you more energy, reduce stress and improve your mood.
- Breathe deep or meditate to reduce stress.
- Take a short break. Schedule the time of the things you enjoy. Do this at least once a week. Doing it will make you able to take care of your loved one
Stay organized
Care is often a full -time work. And you may be doing it together with your work paid or taking care of your children. To help everyone to know what to expect, do a schedule with your family. This will help you all stay organized.
Also try to follow a daily routine. This will help daily tasks seem overwhelming.
Create support team
There will be many times that you will need help. Maybe it is not available for an appointment. Or you need someone to make a message. Plan those times in advance. Make a list of people who are willing to help. The list can include family, friends and temporary care workers. The list must include telephone numbers, the times that people are available and the tasks they can do. Keep the list with you in case you are away and need to ask for help.
Educate yourself
If your loved one suffers from a disease, learn everything you can about. Being informed by credible sources (such as Familydoctor.org) can give it a feeling of control. You can also help you know what to expect. Online support groups are a good source of education. Of course, talk to your loved one. They can also provide information.
Talk about your emotions
Sometimes, you can feel that you should not load people with their feelings. But talking about how you feel can relieve stress. Talk to family or friends who can provide support. You may even want to join a support group. A support group allows you to connect with others in the same situation. It provides a safe place to share your feelings and experiences. Your doctor can suggest ways to find a support group.
Establish limits
Know there is a limit for what you can do as a caregiver. Recognize when you feel overwhelmed and ask for help.
Seek advice
Sometimes it can be useful to talk to a counselor about his feelings. Your doctor can refer to one.
Use a professional when I can
As a caregiver, you may have to make financial decisions or other decisions that are not equipped to take. For example, you may have to help a person submit their taxes. If this is stressful for you, or if you have no experience in this matter, pay a professional to help you.