Changing Mindsets about Hearing Loss — Blog

The World Health Organization (WHO) appointed March 3 World Hearing Daywith the aim of raising awareness about hearing loss and promoting the care of ears and auditory worldwide. This year’s theme is “to change the mentality: to empower yourself to realize the care of the ears and auditory for all.”

It is a powerful issue because it puts the person with hearing loss in the driver’s seat, recognizing that the attitudes we have about our auditory loss and the actions we take to advocate for ourselves are key to how good we live with her.

This is an important message in Listen and beyond: living skillfully with hearing loss. In the book, the co -author Gael Hannan and I encourage readers to take care of their hearing loss trips, because when they do, they can live more skillfully With that.

2025 World Hearing Banner

Ways to celebrate World Hearing Day

This year’s World Hearing Day is based on last year, which focuses on changing the mentality about the care of ears and hearing in the general population and with medical care providers. In 2025, the campaign aims to inspire people to take care of their own Listen to health by changing their attitudes and behaviors

The World Hearing Day team has created many opportunities for people to participate. Choose the option that resonates the most. Or choose your own way of celebrating.

1. Share the key messages of the campaign

Visit World Hearing Day 2025 website For a key messages list to share in your social media accounts or in a conversation with family and friends. Some of these messages include:

  • By 2030, more than 500 million people are expected to have a deactivating hearing loss that requires rehabilitation.
  • More than one billion young people face the risk of permanent hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to strong sounds during recreational hobbies, such as listening to music and video games.
  • The way we listen to in the future depends on how we take care of our ears today, since many cases of hearing loss can be avoided by adopting safe listening and good audition practices.
  • For those who live with hearing loss, early identification and access to timely rehabilitation are essential to achieve their greatest potential.
  • You can take action today to guarantee good auditory health throughout life.

2. Tell your auditory loss story

Stories are powerful ways to help others understand the reality of living with hearing loss. And with a better understanding, stigma fades. Last year they invited me to share my auditory loss trip at the Interested Party Meeting of the World Hearing Forum at the WHO headquarters in Geneva. World Hearing Day could be a good opportunity to share its history in any environment that makes you feel comfortable.

3. Plan an event

Events of all kinds are welcome! Start by trying a new assistance listening device with your friends or family. Or go big and organize a walk or another commemorative event. Or simply suggest an auditory losses book for your next reading club meeting. Find a free discussion guide to Listen and beyond: living skillfully with hearing loss here. Whatever you do, please record On the website of World Hearing Day Day so that the team can celebrate with you.

4. Participate in self -reflection

Simply use the day to reflect on your hearing loss trip. Are there steps that can be taken to self -control more effectively in 2025 and beyond? Decides to take that first step forward.

Readers, how will they celebrate World Hearing Day?

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Book: Listen and beyond: living skillfully with hearing loss

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