When Sober Curious Moves Beyond Dry January

In early 2025, former American general surgeon issued a notice about the link between Alcohol consumption and cancer risk. While this is a call to the Aleccuador to action, it cannot be denied that sober curiosity has recently increased. From dry January to more brands that create alcohol -free drinks to the emergence of conventional models, now more than ever, even casual drinkers are becoming superimposed and examining their relationship with alcohol.

Last year in episode 146 of the FBG podcast, sobriety coach and founder of Wild SOBERKrysty Krywko, Ed.D, joined our Eic Alison for an interview about Sobriety. Today we continue this conversation with Krysty. The dry January has passed, but certainly not the questions about what we can do if we are thinking of a sober life (completely free of alcohol) or wet (a reduction in alcohol consumption), life.

TAM: Should we approach drink like all or nothing, especially if we are sober out of curiosity?

Krysty: I think it is a very personal decision, but if you are a regular type of drinker (which means three or four nights a week “just to relax”), then alcohol is affecting the way you feel, mental, Emotional and physically physically – your body simply does not know that there is another way. If you are not drinking during the week, but then you drink a couple of bottles of wine during the weekend, you will never have the opportunity to see how your body and mind react to no alcohol. Anna Lembke, in her book, Dopamine Nation: finding the balance in the era of indulgence, Talk about how to “refrain from our medicine of choice for at least four weeks gives explanatory behaviors. Information that is simply not possible while we continue using.” In other words, you have no idea how shit you really feel when you are using a substance that makes you feel shit. In general, his body takes a few weeks to adapt to the fact that he is no longer consuming a toxic substance.

TAM: Are there considerations/best practices to go from dry to more humid of February and beyond?

Krysty: So, I really don’t know the answer to that question, it really depends on what its motivation was for dry January. Was it the plan to see if I could do it without drinking for 30 days? Or was it looking for real health benefits? Or did you realize that your alcohol consumption has increased in recent years and know you needed to take a break?

Moderation, which is really what the humidity of February is about, does not work for many people. If you spend a lot of time negotiating with yourself when alcohol is involved, which leads to many “rules” around alcohol consumption, you may want to step back.

You may not even be aware of these rules. They have become part of your inner talk. That talk may sound like this:
I’m not going to drink alone.
Do not drink before 5:00 pm
There is no hard alcohol during the week
I’m just going to drink white wine (or beer, vodka, etc.)
I can’t take more than two drinks on one night.
I can’t drink more than two nights in a row.

The final purposes of my alcohol consumption were full of elaborate and arcane rules that constantly changed as it broke one after another. I was disappointed daily, and that kind of self -maelponence was like a constant microcort flow for my soul.

Take a moment and think why you are putting so many rules around your drink. You may decide that it is no longer worth it.

TAM: If someone is reading this thought “I have no problem with my alcohol consumption but I want to adopt a more aware approach to what I/I drink”, what questions should be explored when thinking about alcohol consumption?

Krysty: One of the first things we must do is get away from language about drinking and the belief that there are “problematic drinkers” and then everyone else. This leads to shame, stigma and judgment.

A much more useful and realistic model to use when it comes to talking about alcohol is the idea that the drink occurs in a spectrum. That’s where the idea of ​​the “gray area” arose, which covers everyone, from the drinker of each now and then, to those who are physically addicted to alcohol. The beauty of this model is that you do not need to reach any type of rock background before you can explore your relationship with alcohol, you can decide at any time in the spectrum what is correct for you.

If you are ready to be honest with the role that alcohol plays in your life, you would suggest sitting with a pen and paper and answer the following questions. Be curious about you and take time to respond honestly. Do not cloud your answers with shame, judgment, or what your best friend will think. It is you and the only life you have, and whether or not you want a toxic substance that plays a role in the creation of that life.

Does alcohol still work for me?
How does alcohol feel me?
What areas of my life have taken charge of alcohol?
Drink align with the person I am now?
What would “Future You” “present in this situation say?

TAM: What happens if our friends have drink again after dry January, but we are trying to continue? Do you have suggestions/recommendations on how to do this part of my lifestyle with my friends drinks?

Krysty: You may need to find new friends, haha. But, seriously, if his friends really respect him and support him in the decisions he makes in his life, then it should not be a problem. But, if they are continuously trying to push him to start drinking again, complaining that he is no longer fun, or that a tequila outlet will not do any damage, then he may reconsider who is spending time. with. You must find out for yourself what you want to do with the time you have and the people with whom you spend it.

In addition, if your group of friends is strongly immersed in the culture to drink, which means that most social activities revolve around alcohol, then you need to find some new pios that you like to do different things.

TAM: Any favorite “drink” hacks to replace that cocktail on Friday night?

Krysty: I am the most basic sober person, and I am happy to drink a SELTZER on my sofa to relax after a busy week. But I know that people have different needs, and I understand it in the first days of going without alcohol, you may want something a little more exciting. Fortunately, the without alcohol is in flames! There are so many products in the market: think of Seltzers with flavor, bright teas, without alcohol beers, wines and spirits, kombuchas, I could really follow and continue. I am continuously impressed in the places where I find without alcohol: Target, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, regular supermarkets and local without alcohol bottles are beginning to offer such a wide variety. My only precaution is to be intentional when using without alcohol, especially things like wine or alcohol without alcohol. If you are knocking down a bottle of alcohol wine most of the nights of the week, it is like cheating a bandage and putting in another, and you may want to explore why you are trapped in the same behaviors.

Did you make a dry January this year and maintained a dry or wet February? What is your curious sober piracy? ~ Tam

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