All About the 90-30-50 Diet for Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight, too often we focus on restriction and what “we should not” eat. However, sometimes adding the right things to your diet can tip the balance in your favor, no deprivation is required. According to one of Tiktok’s latest trends, only some simple mathematics is needed not only to lose weight but also increase satiety, increase muscle mass and something else. Enter: Diet 90-30-50.

Before, we are covering everything you need to know about this trend diet, including the benefits of macronutrient balance, sample menus and if dietitians finally give it green light.

What is diet 90-30-50?

Created by Courtney Cassis, MS, RD, LDNDiet 90-30-50 implies achieving the following objectives of macronutrients daily:

According to Cassis, this basic formula has the ability to support weight loss, improve certain chronic conditions, balance hormones, control blood sugar control and more, all in weeks, if not days, start. Cassis itself claims to have lost 15 pounds in two months following this protocol, and its clients (more legions of followers) are adding their own macros to do the same.

“Each of these macronutrient objectives plays a role in supporting weight loss, but its impact varies according to individual needs and the general context of the diet,” he says Amy Shapiro, MS, RDtrue nutrition in New York City.

90-30-50 diet benefits to lose weight

According Kristen Lorenz, RDThe 90-30-50 diet is an accessible and complete frame for weight control and metabolic health. “Unlike extreme calorie restrictions or rigid trends, it is sustainable and flexible,” he shares. “It also offers nutritional balance. With proteins to preserve muscle, fiber to support intestinal health and healthy fats for hormonal balance, this diet covers the essential without demonizing any food group. ”

This is how each amount of macronutrient and objective can incline it towards its weight loss objectives.


Protein is crucial to maintain lean muscle mass for all, but Shapiro says that this sounds especially true for those who have a calorie deficit for weight loss. “It also increases satiety, which can help reduce general calorie intake,” he continues. “For many people, reaching 90 grams of protein per day is a good goal to support muscle retention and avoid muscle loss while losing weight.”

Fortunately, there is no food shortage based on animals and plants to help you eat more proteins daily. You can prioritize the macro for meals and snacks alike, including the mixture of the central resistance of Hum, low and low map, powdered protein in smoothies and baked products.

Warning: Shapiro says that 90 grams of protein can be high for some people depending on their current level of weight and activity. “If you are sedentary or have a lower muscle mass, you may not need so much, and a more individualized objective based on your lean body or body mass could be better,” he shares. “Usually, around 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is a more reasonable range for active people.” (For an active person weighing 150 pounds, this could vary from 82 to 136 grams per day).


A mere 7 percent (or less) of adults in the United States eat enough fiber daily, which is bad news to achieve their weight loss objectives and take into account their greatest health. (Icymi, fiber is crucial for everything, from promoting healthy digestion and nourishing intestinal microbiome to reduce its risk of cardiovascular disease).

“The fiber helps to launch digestion to keep you fuller for longer, which can avoid eating in excess, cravings and snacks,” Shapiro adds. “Fiber -rich foods are often dense in nutrients, which is beneficial for weight loss, and 30 grams is a good baseline for many adults and is aligned with general dietary guidelines for fiber intake.”

To increase fiber intake, it aims to eat more fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. You can also trust the fiber GLP-1 fiber of Hum’s, which offers 5 grams of fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber by 2 teaspoon portion.

Warning: If your diet is currently low in fiber, gradually increase your consumption to avoid activating or exacerbating digestive anguish. Also drink a lot of water to help move things. Again, while 30 grams are recorded near the recommended range of how much fiber should eat daily (25 grams for women and 38 grams for men, according to the USDA), this amount is not waterproof for everyone. “For some people, 30 grams can be too high if they have a sensitive intestine or suffer certain digestive problems such as SII,” Shapiro explains.

Healthy fats

Last but not least, healthy fats take into account equation 90-30-50. “Healthy fats are essential for hormonal balance, brain function and general health,” says Shapiro. “Eating enough fats can also help with satiety, which makes it easier to maintain a calorie deficit.”

Shapiro says that 50 grams is a moderate daily objective, emphasizing that these sources of fat should come mainly from integral foods such as:

  • Avocados
  • Fatty fish
  • Balls
  • Seeds

Warning: According to Shapiro, people may require more or less fat based on their individual metabolic needs and energy levels. (People who do HIIT training or resistance sports, for example, may need to aim at a higher daily intake). “Fats are also dense in calories, so even if they are reaching these objectives, the total of a total calorie intake to lose weight must still take into account,” he adds.

90-30-50 Sample Meal Plan

30-30-50 Diet

To give you an idea of ​​how you could see a day of meals and snacks in diet 90-30-50, Lorenz shares the menu below. (Of course, it is recommended to change things for the sake of dietary diversity, please your palate and food restrictions, so sub in your favorite high proteins, rich in fiber and healthy foods as you want).

Breakfast: vegetarian tortilla with avocado

Approx. 18 g protein, 4g fiber, 27 g of fat

  • 3 large eggs (18 g of protein, 15 g of fat)
  • 1 cup of spinach (1 g of fiber)
  • 1/2 cup of mushrooms (1 g of fiber)
  • 1/4 avocado (2g fiber, 7 g of fat)
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (5 g of fat)

Spindle: Chia Pudín

Approx. 6g Protein, 10 g of fiber, 12 g of fat

  • 3 tablespoons of chia seeds (6 g protein, 10 g of fiber, 12 g of fat)
  • 1 cup of sugarless almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (optional)

Lunch: turkey + hummus wrapping

Approx. 39g Protein, 6 g of fiber, 5 g of fat

  • 4 oz turkey breast in slices (32 g of protein, 2 g of fat)
  • 1 integral grain wrap (fiber 5 g, protein 5 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of hummus (2g protein, 3G fat)
  • Mixed green and cucumber (1g fiber)

Spindle: Apple with almond butter

Approx. 3G protein, 4G fiber, 9 g of fat

  • 1 medium apple (4G fiber)
  • 1 tablespoon of almond butter (3g protein, 9 g of fat)

Dinner: grilled shrimp with quinoa + asparagus

Approx. 34 g of protein, 5.5 g of fiber, 9 g of fat

  • 5 oz of grilled shrimp (30 g of protein, 2 g of fat)
  • 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa (4g protein, 2.5 g of fiber, 2 g of fat)
  • 1 cup of roasted asparagus (3G fiber)
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (5 g of fat)

Takeways + tips

Both dietitians believe that Method 90-30-50 can support weight and well-being objectives, and consider that it is among the superior diet plans that make their rounds in Tiktok. “For those inspired by social networks trends, this diet is a based and sustainable alternative focused on long -term health on fleeting fashions,” says Lorenz. “It is a great starting point for anyone who is ready to improve their nutrition without the stress of the overly restrictive rules. It also aligns well with the principles of metabolic health and longevity. “

That said, there are a handful of Fyis and advice that you will want to pay attention to amplify your success in this plan.

To begin, it is crucial to ensure that their macros come from entire and high quality sources as much as possible. “With high diets in protein and fiber trends these days, more ultra -process foods claim to be good sources,” says Shapiro. “For example, filling the energy bars that are rich in fiber and protein is not the same as eating salmon, vegetables and whole grains.”

Next, both dietitians emphasize how important are individualized nutrition approaches. “All are different, and in my practice, we design diets based on height, weight objectives, activity level, season, etc. There are no two people,” Shapiro shares. As such, he advises to request the help of a registered dietitian, who can help him with specific food recipes and guidelines for his personalized needs.

Finally, listening to your body, which includes your signs of hunger, energy levels and how your body responds to specific foods and groups, is even more important than consuming a specific amount of macros in a given day. Shapiro reminds us that he will still have to meet healthy habits such as food time, and also points out that not every day will be the same. “Some can prosper with more or less carbohydrates, fats or proteins,” Lorenz adds, “so do not hesitate to adjust based on hunger, energy and feelings.”

90-30-50 Frequent diet questions

Can diet 90-30-50 work for everyone?

“As a registered dietitian, I would recommend these diet guidelines to anyone looking for a balanced approach to nutrition,” says Lorenz. However, individualization based on a variety of personal factors is key to any diet.

“While the breakdown of diet 90-30-50 is ideal for some, it is certainly not of a single size,” says Shapiro. “For example, if 90 grams of protein are too much or very little, it will not meet its general objectives as efficiently as it would if a program is designed for you,” Lorenz adds that any medical condition must also be taken into account before starting this diet.

How do I calculate my macros to make sure I am reaching these goals?

To achieve your goals in diet 90-30-50, you can:

  • Read labels about packaged foods
  • Look for nutritional facts in the USDA Data Data Central
  • Use a food tracking application to search and record your meals and snacks
  • Work with a dietitian who can calculate the macros of their favorite foods

Is there any risk associated with this diet?

In general terms, Method 90-30 is a complete dietary plan for weight loss and general well-being. “While the main idea here (that is, eating a diet rich in protein, fiber and healthy fats) is excellent, giving specific numbers can lead to a thought too much. Go out or eat with friends to achieve your goals, ”says Shapiro.

With this in mind, consider that Method 90-30-50 is a useful framework for most days, instead of an absolute need all the time.

Can I follow the 90-30-50 diet as a vegetarian or vegan?

The 90-30-50 diet is highly flexible, even for those in plants and other needs. “It is adaptable to several dietary preferences, including vegetarian or gluten -free lifestyles,” says Lorenz.

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