Balancing Work and Caregiving –

Taking care of a loved one who is chronically ill can be a challenge. Many family caregivers also work outside the home. If he does, he can feel overwhelmed by the difficulty of balanceing all his responsibilities. You are not alone.

Way to the best health

If you have trouble balanceing work, there are some things you can do. Here are some tips to help you relieve the load.

Investigate employer’s policies and programs

Talk to your human resources department and check your employee’s manual. Determine if your company has established policies or benefits available to help you manage your roles. Examples may include:

  • The Family and Medical License Law (FMLA) – It gives eligible employees 12 weeks a year of unpaid license. They can use this to take care of a member of the sick family. Taking this license would not affect your health insurance or occupational safety coverage.
  • Employee Assistance Programs – Help employees deal with problems that could affect their work. Often, these programs include short -term advice and references to community services.
  • Flexible time – It allows you to work a flexible work schedule. If your company offers flexible time, your employee manual must define it. In general, there is a central period of time in which it must be at work. Then create your schedule at this time. For example, you can choose to work from 10 am to 6 pm or 7 am to 3 pm
  • Telecommuting – It allows you to work from another place, like your home or home of your loved one.
  • Employment exchange -When two people work part -time to share a job normally in the hands of a full -time person.

Talk to your supervisor

Think about your company’s policies and what changes would help you better manage your responsibilities. Write a proposal, then schedule a meeting with your supervisor to speak it. Be honest about your situation and open to any idea that your supervisor may have. Be sure to communicate how the changes they have proposed will benefit your employer.

Be an activist

It is possible that your company or supervisor cannot satisfy your requests. Try not to be annoying. Instead, establish an example. Work with human resources to help your company’s leaders understand the needs of caregivers. Keep the communication channels open and try again after a while has passed.

Things to consider

Some people have done everything possible to balance work with care, but they still need help. If this is your experience, here are some resources that can help:

  • Reference services – Many local, state or state governments have agencies about aging. They can help you locate programs and services in your area. American administration on aging offers information on area agencies and other services. This can be found through your tool in line of wide location.
  • Nursery for adults – These centers offer social and therapeutic activities in a safe environment. They often provide meals, personal care, medical care and even transport.
  • Home – This can be an informal agreement with a friend, neighbor or volunteer. It can also be a formal agreement with a private assistant or a home care agency.

Questions to ask your doctor

  • What can I do to avoid feeling overwhelmed when trying to balance work with care?
  • What signs should I find that I am doing too much?
  • Can you complete the FMLA paperwork to give my employer?
  • Can you refer to an agency about aging so that I can find more help to take care of my loved one?


US administration on aging: nursing care locator
United States Labor Department: Family and Medical License Law
AARP: Care
AARP: State/local resource guides
AARP: How doctors and family caregivers can work together
Family care line without AARP toll: 1-877-333-5885 (English) 1-888-971-2013 (Spanish)

Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicans

This information provides a general description and may not be applied to all. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this topic.

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