Caregiver Health and Wellness – Caregiver Mental Health

A caregiver is someone who provides basic attention to a person who has a chronic medical condition. A chronic condition is a disease that lasts a lot of time or does not disappear. Some examples are cancer, the effects of stroke, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. A caregiver helps prepare and eat food, take medications, bathe and dress. A caregiver is often a family member.

Way to the best health

Being caregiver can have a physical and emotional cost. But there are things that can help. Make welfare a priority. You may feel that everything has to do it. You should also take care of yourself. This keeps him healthy so he can help others. The things you can do include:

  • Eat healthy. Do not hurry the day with fast food and packaged food. Cook healthy meals for you and your loved one to share. If you don’t have time to cook for you, keep healthy snacks. This includes nuts, peanut butter, whole grains, fresh fruits and sprinkle vegetables.
  • Sleep enough. If you are not sleeping well, take naps when you can. This could be something you can do when your loved one is sleeping nap. If your loved one does not sleep or wanders (common in people who have dementia), read Take care of a relative who has dementia. Avoid using caffeine or energy drinks so that the combat is tired. Rest is the best way to recharge.
  • Exercise regularly. Point 30 to 60 minutes 4 to 6 times per week. This will give you energy, reduce stress and improve your mood. Include your loved one if you are capable. Look for a substitute caregiver to free him to exercise.
  • Handle stress. Stress can lead to physical illness. For stress management advice, read Caregiver stress.
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco and drugs. These substances may seem to offer relief. But it is short. They are harmful to your health if you use them regularly and excessively. If you have trouble eliminating these things from your life, talk to your doctor.
  • Seek treatment. If you have emotional difficulties, talk to your doctor, a advisor, a person from the clergy or another person trained to help.
  • Get regular checks. Even if you do not feel sick, it is important to see your doctor regularly. This will include health tests and exams, vaccines and appropriate health advice, sex and medical and family history. This helps prevent diseases and capture any medical condition that has early.
  • Take care of care. Recognize your limits. Ask others to help regularly or for a period of time. This includes family members, friends, temporary care workers and church members. Consider other resources, such as medical care at home, adult day service, breathing care, food provision, transport services and hospice or palliative care.

Things to consider

Being caregiver can put it at risk of health problems. This is because you tend to neglect your own health. And some tasks are difficult. This includes raising or bathe your loved one. It can also cause financial stress. You can avoid going to the doctor so you don’t have to pay visits or treatments. Or you may have to reduce or leave your job. These things can affect their emotional, mental and physical health.

Studies show that caregivers have a higher risk of the following health problems:

  • Alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Heard disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
  • Acidity
  • Infection
  • Obesity
  • Pain (muscles, joints, headaches)

Questions to ask your doctor

  • When should I consider long -term attention for my loved one?
  • What should I do if I am tired all the time?
  • Where can I go to get help to take care of my loved one?
  • Where can I go to get help to me?
  • Does attention shorten your useful life?
  • What dietary items can suggest that they are fast and easy?


Family Caregiver Alliance: Take care of yourself

Women’s Health Office: Stress of the caregiver

AARP: Care

AARP: State/local resource guides

AARP: How doctors and family caregivers can work together

Family care line without AARP toll: 1-877-333-5885 (English) 1-888-971-2013 (Spanish)

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Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicans

This information provides a general description and may not be applied to all. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this topic.

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