Uses and Side Effects of Ozempic and Other GLP-1 Weight Loss Drugs

Ozempic and others in a new kind of weight loss have been called “The medical sensation of the decade. “Are they worthy of all the hype?

For deep immersion, see my primer on this topic. Ozempic: Risks, benefits and natural alternatives to weight loss loss is Available as an electronic book, audiobook and rustic. You can also see my series of videos for free on the Ozempic or Our songs page YouTube channel. These are some of the key conclusions.

What is LGP-1?

A natural hormone in our body, the-1 peptide similar to glucagon (LPG-1) plays a role in the regulation of our blood sugar, appetite and digestion. Our gastrointestinal tract releases more than 20 different peptide hormones, including LPG-1. The main stimuli to secrete LPG-1 are rich meals in Fats and carbohydratesAnd the main action of LPG-1 is point to the brain. He It also slows our digestion. Delay the speed at which food leaves our stomach not only helps us feel more full for longer, but also helps with our Blood sugar control. When LPG-1 or an agonist (imitator) is dripped in people’s veins, appetite is reduced, which leads to significantly Reduction of food consumption—A decrease in caloric intake as well as 25 to 50 percent.

About drugs LGP-1

Our GLP-1 hormone acts as an appetite suppressor by attacking parts of the brain responsible for hunger and cravings. The GLP-1 secretory cells not only align our intestines; They are also In our brain. These new medications against obesity are GLP-1 agonistsimitating the action of the hormone by joining the GLP-1 receptors.

Our body breakdown LP-1 so fast that it is barely made once around us circulatory systemThat is why we cannot simply take the hormone directly. A compound was discovered, in the poisonous saliva of a lizard called Gila monster“I mimic Glp-1 but is resistant to decomposition.” Using that compound as a template, the first GLP-1 agonist was created and approved for the treatment of diabetes about 20 years ago. Instead that most of the body are cleared in two and a half minutes, such as the native natural LP-1, much of the drug remains in the body for two and a half hours. However, that still means injections twice a day, so the liraglutida arrived, which lasts all day.

What is Ozempic?

Finally, the semaglutida was developed and marked as Ozempic, which could be injected Only once a week. Ozempic was approved in 2017 for Treat diabetes. In a few years, a daily oral version had been developed, again for diabetes, but researchers who execute these clinical trials noticed a surprising side effect: People’s appetite decreased.

How does Ozempic work?

In a way, GLP-1 agonist drugs work as contraceptive pills. The pill imitates placental hormonescheating on our body to think we are pregnant all the time. Ozempic type drugs mimic GLP-1, thus cheating on our body to think we are eating all the time. This is how our hunger impulse increases.

Ozempic to lose weight

In it longer judgment to dateMore than 17,000 individuals were randomly assigned to high dose or placebo semaglutid injections for four years. In general, those in the drug lost 9 percent more body weight than those of the placebo group, but all the weight was lost in the first 65 weeks. Although they continued to be injected every week for three more years, they did not lose more weight during the 143 weeks later.

Weight loss tends to stabilize because the same amount of effort to reduce calories, either through willpower, drugs or surgery, is with increasing resistance as the loss of continuous weight active each active each Even more our feedback control circuit, stimulating our appetite. In the case of GLP-1 medications, weight loss caused by the initial fall in appetite is underlined by an apparent exponential increase in caloric intake as our body increases our hunger again. In 12 months, this resistance, combined with the decrease in caloric needs of being lighter, coincides with the persistent effort to cut calories, and Weight loss platelets. And, as soon as we stop taking drugs, our complete appetite resumes and began to recover the weight we initially lost.

The cost of Ozempic

Wegovy, the high dose of Ozempic used for weight loss, costs until $ 1,350 per monththat, again, it may have to pay perpetuity since any lost weight can stack If you stop taking it. So that could cost More than $ 16,000 a year If you pay your pocket for those whose insurance does not cover it.

Ozempic side effects

The most Common side effects Include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. The problems of the gallbladder are another side effect; Excess cholesterol shed of fatty cells can crystallize in our bile like rock sweets, forming bile calculations.

Rare but serious adverse effects They are also emerging. The inserts of the packet for semaglutida and tirzepatide list a series of “warnings and precautions“That include thyroid tumors, acute inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), acute gallbladder disease, acute renal injury (which can come from dehydration due to excess vomiting or diarrhea), allergic reactionsA higher risk of blood sugar background while it is in blood sugar level suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

What is the “Ozempic face”?

“Face Ozempic” is a term used to describe a distorted facial appearance Among drug users. (Similar accounts have been made of “Rear ozempic.“) Media reports have linked the medication with facial aging, but the sunken appearance has simply attributed to the accelerated fat loss In the face. While this interpretation seems logical, a review of the phenomenon concluded that “this explanation cannot completely explain the remarkably accelerated facial aging …”. Other suspicious factors as responsible for the appearance of premature facial aging include Loss of facial muscle massDecreased structural integrity of the skin and changes in the function of stem cells and hormonal secretion.

Is Ozempic safe?

In the first quantitative analysis of benefit balance against heritage, the investigators concluded that those who achieved a weight loss of 10 percent had more than 90 percent of possibilities that the benefits of taking the medications exceed damage, but what otherwise he found the people who achieved only that they achieved 5 percent weight loss.

At this time, we do not know about long -term damage or benefits because some of these medications and dosing schedules are very new. To complicate things, the American Pediatrics Academy has suggested to offer these drugs for adolescents and even preteens As young as the 12 years. These drugs work for acting on the brainSo, who knows what effect could have on the development of childhood and beyond if young people end up taking them for the rest of their lives. Although now we have evidence of near-Benefice in term for a few years, we cannot assume long -term security until it has been demonstrated.

Ozempic alternatives

We do not need to take drugs that imitate LPG-1. Ingestion can not only ingest a plant based on plants rather than double LPG-1 secretion, compared to a meat, but plants-based diets can also cause weight loss by increasing our rate metabolic at rest and incorporate “high” high “fiber foods that calories eliminate. The largest study of people who eat strictly based on plants discovered that they have approximately 35 lighter pounds on average.

When we eat a donut, its fat, sugar and starch are absorbed rapidly, high, before reaching the part of our digestive tract, where we produce most of the hormone that suppresses our appetite, LPG-1. Since the cells that produce LPG-1 in response to exposure to calories are concentrated in the End of our digestive tractWhile most of the calories we consume are absorbed from the beginning, most calories never get far enough. That is why our appetites are not suppressed these days. From the point of view LGP-1, when we have that donut, it is as if we never ate much of anything. It is not surprising that we reach the donut number two.

It is believed that our prehistoric ancestors have consumed up to 100 grams of fiber, which is more than six times what most of us are obtaining these days. We evolve eating large amounts of entire plant foods“The Only Place Fiber is in abundance.” That allowed natural satiety mechanisms to prevent us from being in excess. By eating the way in which nature intended, we can release LPG-1 from the way nature intended. That helps to explain why in medical literature, compared to any other way of eating that would not imply the control of portions, it has been shown that a diet based on entire plants and foods leads to Greater average weight loss than any other diet.

To obtain deeper information about Ozempic and LPG-1, see these resources:

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