Antibiotic Resistance – How long does it take for antibiotics to work?

Things to consider

Antibiotics are sometimes used too much or incorrectly. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria are repeatedly exposed to the same medication. This changes bacteria, which makes it difficult for the medication to work.

It can also happen when bacteria are left in your body. They will multiply and become stronger. One day you can get a disease that cannot be treated by antibiotics. You may have to take different medications. You may have to go to a hospital to get intravenous antibiotics (through an IV needle in its vein).

Family members or other people who come into contact could be exposed to the infection they have. So, these people can also develop infections that are difficult to treat.

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recognizes the inappropriate use of antibiotics as a risk to personal and public health. Infections of the ear and the breast are generally caused by viruses. Antibiotics cannot treat viruses.

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