Throughout the country, we are seeing the communities go through the same thing that we spend here in New York, people who positive for the disease of Coronavirus (or COVID-19), and then the crazy fight for hospital beds, fans , personal protective equipment. . The hospital staff supports the experience of seeing the health of patients deteriorating quickly, having to deliver painful messages to their loved ones, having to explain why they cannot stay next to their loved one.
I’ve been here. I know the trauma. It hurts at a deep and permanent level. It hurts to see someone else to experience it, and know that you cannot erase that pain for them.
I knew from the beginning that this virus would be a nightmare for black America. At the time it was reported that this virus affects those with committed immune systems (also known as “immunocompromised”), it was clear: this virus would be hell in the wheels in our cities.
And, so it was.
According to the latest data on which communities are the most affected adversely, well, it is exactly what many of us think. And these are simply hospitalization rates, these are only the cases serious enough to justify a trip to the emergency room. Have No idea of how many people suffer in the privacy of their own homes.
In the cities throughout the United States, the numbers are of the stomach. In numerous reports issued at the end of April and early May, we saw entire cities where more than 60, 70, 80% of the hospitalized were black and brown.
And then, the narrative was established: sure, the disease could be deadly and dangerous, but it is only In fact kill blacks, so … that is technically his problem, no ourso us You can return to normal again, right?
Worse, it has been involved that our highly linked mortality rates are directly linked, something that is as much as a dog whistle and “queen of well-being”, our cleaning. In a audience about the disease and its disparate results, Ohio state senator Steve Huffman, who, according to reports, is also a doctor of the emergency room:
“My point, as I understand, African Americans have a greater incidence of chronic conditions and makes them more susceptible to Covid’s death,” Huffman said at a public audience.
“But why it doesn’t make them more susceptible to get Covid. Could it be simply that African Americans or the colored population do not wash their hands, as well as other groups or use a mask or do not socially distance themselves? Could that be the explanation of the greatest incidence? [source]
We are dirty and unhealthy, and our deaths are not something broader that society should worry because it is not a social problem, it is a matter that we fail in our Personal responsibility Be … clean enough.
From here, the drain swirl began.
No The effort destined to reduce speed or stop the spread of the virus was worth it. It was painted as “not so dangerous” and “it is not worth destroying the economy”, even when black people lay in hospital beds, depending on fans to live. It was not worth enforcing a legitimate closure to save lives, all while we saw public health experts beg us to stay at home with protecting the essential workers of unnecessary exhibition, predominantly black and brown workers. People were not willing to sacrifice to save their neighbor mainly because, at that time, most of the affected lives were black and brown.
It is not even worth using a mask. Several states refuse to enforce some kind of mask requirement for their residents, presumably because it is not politically convenient to tell people the only thing that can save the lives of their family, friends and neighbors is the only thing that these people do not want to do : Sacrifice to save another human life, especially if that life is black.
What we are witnessing is a culture of apathy, treating a public health crisis as a big problem, because presumably only affects black and brown people. Share in x
That is why we are seeing several states [not named New York] I experience something that none of us has seen in our lives: a plague that steals the lives of loved ones and, because they are immediately in quarantine of you, you do not even have the opportunity to give adequate goodbye.
What we are witnessing is a culture of apathy, treating a public health crisis as a big problem, because presumably only affects black and brown people. “His lives are not my concern. It is good not to worry about what affects their lives, their communities, their families. That is his responsibility. It is good to break the social contract when it comes to those people. It does not affect me. He-they-It doesn’t matter “.
For me, that’s Raci, ahh, it doesn’t matter.
The spell of this apathy only broke when it was clear that younger, fastest and more in a form also succumb to the virus. And, for now, it seems that it is believed that it could be too late.
The refusal to do the basic work that could save the lives of black and brown people who dominate essential work positions, black and brown people who suffer in greater numbers, deliver a message. It cannot be said that “all lives import” at once, and refuse to protect those lives in the next. Or you think black lives matter, and it is worth the collective sacrifice, or you don’t.
More about the coronavirus: