Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

BMI chart – Children and adolescents (from 2 to 19 years old)

Weight status Rank of percentile
Low weight <5th percentile
Normal or healthy weight 5th A <85th percentile
Overweight 85th A <95th percentile
Have obesity 95th percentile or greater

If your IMC or BMI of your child is concerned, talk to your doctor.

Way to the best health

They may be diagnosed with obesity if your body mass index (BMI) has or greater than 30 kg/m2. You can reduce your BMI following standard weight loss advice, such as:

  • Eat healthy. Choose lean meats, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Reduce alcohol, sugar, processed foods, soft drinks and juices. It consumes less calories.
  • Exercise regularly. This includes cardiovascular exercises and with weight to develop muscle and lose fat. This is effective to control belly fat. Belly fat increases the risk of certain health conditions. Always talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program.
  • Taking into account the control of the portions. Do not eat excessively during meals and snacks.

If your child’s BMI is high (above the 85th percentile), talk to your doctor on how you can help you lose weight.

Things to consider

An BMI or high obesity diagnosis can also lead to other serious health conditions (eg, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, arthritis) that have their own symptoms. Although a high BMI increases its risk of other health complications, the BMI by itself is not a very good indicator of general health.

However, it is an important marker that should motivate him to have a discussion with his doctor.

These tools should only be guides. Do not trust them to make decisions about their health or health. Always speak with your doctor about your health conditions and/or circumstances before making changes in lifestyle.

Questions for your doctor

  • When should I worry about my son’s weight?
  • When should I start checking my BMI? How often should I check?
  • What is my ideal weight?
  • What is my son’s ideal weight?
  • The BMI explains the muscle?
  • How can I reduce my BMI?
  • How can I help my son reduce his BMI?
  • How long will it have to reduce the BMI?


Centers for disease control and prevention: acts of adult obesity

National Institute of Heart, Lungs and Blood: Overweight and obesity

National Health Institutes, Medlineplus: Obesity

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