Disabled World
Author: Kathleen M. Cleaver
Published: 2025/02/03
Type of publication: Literature review
Issue: Disability Publications – List of publications
Page content: Synopsis Introduction Major
Synopsis: Appealing the support of inclusive and life disability, the ‘life in the bridge’ of Kaelynn Partlow underlines the urgent need for equitable programs in all spectra of autism and disability, challenging the systemic neglect of severe cases.
What about us?
Recently I read the book, Life on The Bridge, by Kaelynn Partlow. Kaelynn, diagnosed with autism at the age of ten, writes about her experiences of growing with autism and her work as a therapist for children and adults with autism. A paragraph in his book hits hard in my experiences as a mother, teacher and brother who lives in the world of disability.
Main article
“Autism is a really broad spectrum with many variations, many progress rates, many different needs. Decades ago, a common wrong idea was that all autism was a matter of being extremely affected, unable to communicate, often institutionalized .. .

Kaelynn’s statement about autism sounds true for all disabilities. We are rethinking our educational practices to accommodate neurodive students who show progress in an academic environment while we belittle the special classes and programs for children with serious disabilities. Universities are opening learning support programs for students with minor to moderate disabilities, while the most severe students face the end of most of their services once they age from the school program and long waiting lists for admission to a program day for quality adults due to lack of financing. It is time for us to have a continuum of high quality programs for children and adults or import the severity of their disability!
Author’s credentials:
Kathleen M. Cleaver has a degree in Primary Education and the education of children whose main disability is a visual disability (TVI). During her thirty-year career as a teacher, Kathleen received the Penn-Del Aer Elinor Long prize and the Aer membership award for her service and contributions to the education of children with visual disabilities. He also received the Elizabeth Nolan O’Donnell Alfievement Award for years of Service dedicated to St. Lucy’s Day School for children with visual disabilities. Explore Kathleen’s complete biography to obtain integral information about his background, experience and achievements.
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• Life on the bridge: What about us? – Appealing the support of inclusive and life disability, the ‘life in the bridge’ of Kaelynn Partlow underlines the urgent need for equitable programs in all spectra of autism and disability, challenging the systemic neglect of severe cases.
Information and page references
Disability World (DW) is an integral online resource that provides information related to disabilities, assistance technologies and accessibility problems. Founded in 2004, our website covers a wide range of issues, which include disability rights, medical care, education, employment and independent life, with the aim of supporting the community of disability and their families.
Cup this page (APA): Cleaver, KM (2025, February 3). Life on the bridge: What about us? Disabled world (DW). Retrieved on February 4, 2025 from www.disable-world.com/disability/publications/what-bout-us.php
Permanent link: Life on the bridge: What about us? : advocating for inclusive and support disability, the ‘life in the bridge’ of Kaelynn Partlow underlines the urgent need for equitable programs in all spectra of autism and disability, challenging the systemic negligence of severe cases.
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