Ardent Executives Look Beyond Urgent Care in Outpatient Plans

After reaching agreements for a total of 27 urgent care centers during the last year, Ardent Health Partners Inc. leaders are planning other forms of outpatient expansion while maintaining an attentive for system acquisitions.

Ardent, based in Nashville, which was made public last summer, earlier this month he announced the acquisition of 18 urgent attention sites, six in New Mexico, a dozen in Oklahoma, of urgent attention below by a sum revealed. That agreement occurred after the purchase last year of nine clinics in eastern Texas and Kansas that also served to expand the Arntnt network in those markets.

Speaking at the recent 43th annual conference of JPMorgan Healthcare, President and Ceo Marty Barkh said some. The company has about $ 850 million in liquidity to work towards that objective and the outpatient expansion is high in the priority list, since it has a part of 3 percent of outpatient income in its markets versus 21 percent of the hospital income.

“The next approach we expect to see is around the growth of the Center for Outpatient Surgery,” Bonick said at the JPMorgan Conference. “We know there is an opportunity for additional centers. They are likely to be more on the novo side […] Given the current commercial multiples of these assets. But we do know that we have the interest and demand of the doctor, as well as the growth of the patient to support that. “

The most urgent growth is also on cards and Barkk said that could come in the form of other acquisitions or development of Novo. He also mentioned that independent image centers and emergency departments, as well as microhospital are roads for network growth.

Bonick and his team will seek to emulate the success of the Urgent Care impulse of Ardent in East Texas in terms of growth of their patient base. Barkk told the JPMorgan conference that 45 percent of people in last year’s acquisition were new for Ardent. Within 30 days after the agreement, he added, 15% of the patients of these clinics had scheduled monitoring care with other burning suppliers.

“We had around 150,000 admissions [last year] But he treated more than 1.2 million people, ”said Bift. “That is key to our consumer strategy in terms of how we cultivate the numerator […] Through any modality that works for them, whether it is an attention in person in a hospital, outpatient care in a center or a virtual attention environment. “

Ardent actions (Ticker: Ardt) They were changing from hands to $ 14.06 at noon that is quoted on January 21, below their recent levels of approximately $ 16, the price at which they were made public. Investors sold the shares after Barkk and CFO Alfred Lumsdaine pointed out, among other things, in the period prior to the JPMorgan meeting that the increases in medical service costs have persisted more time than expected above. With the shares of approximately $ 14, Ardent’s market capitalization is around $ 2 billion.

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