To the editor:
Re “five women, the inheritance of China and the reverence it can lose” (cover, January 5):
The sad but lovely story of Rukmini Callimachi of condemned relic dishes evokes a complicated reaction. Of course, it is not practical to dine regularly using these elements, or in many cases even find space to keep them all. But, to what extent does problems go beyond the details of eating habits to cover a current lack of interest in our own stories?
Younger people who don’t care about these old articles also do not feel any connection with any other family relic, with the concrete artifacts of their own family stories?
I remember my shock when my aunt informed me that the photo albums that my grandfather had taken on board a tokyo ship to Seattle in 1919 had been thrown into a garbage container, because “we never met those people and we cannot read Japanese ” “(Fortunately, a cousin rescued them and then gave them for custody).
How many people know the biographical details of their ancestors for a long time? Where do we draw the line between the lack of space and the failure of the imagination? Couldn’t there be space for some dishes, even if it is only to put coins and keys, along with a bit of the story they represent?
Andrew S. Mía
To the editor:
I drank in every word of your article about China’s relic. Saturday’s excursions during the apogee of the department stores, my mother, my aunt and I visited the departments of China in the way others could see a new exhibition in a gallery.
We anxiously analyze the differences between the brands, discussing the relative merits of the plates with vibrant patterns compared to those adorned only with elegant silver or gold bands.
Was the pattern used in such a way that the presentation of the food could also shine? How about the shape of the sauce boat and the cream? Was these beautiful ships? and practical?
Now my beloved mother and my aunt are gone. I am sure that many of China’s good departments have also left. But everyone lives in my house: I have three sets of Mom’s dishes: Russel Wright’s set that used every day when he first married, China made in Japan just after the war that she and another aunt collected with stamps of supermarkets and the black and the white pattern of Victorian inspiration that selected to coincide with the sterling silver covers that was so delighted to have the financial flexibility to buy.
Every time you collect one of these dishes, the memories of family members, family meals and family celebrations are flooded again. Perhaps these beautiful things go to the landfill. Until then, I will treasure them.
Amy Cohn
Marblehead, Mass.
To the editor:
“Five women, Chinese relic and the reverence that can lose” I really touched the sensitive fiber. For years, I have been regretting the fact that I cannot find a home for the 1940 Lenox Renaissance pattern with Lenox gold mount with gold mount for 12, or its vintage glass glass water glass.
And I’m not alone. My friends of a certain age have the same complaint.
It is so sad that our way of life is changing, and not always for the better. We can only expect an elegant entertainment at home to return with the youngest generation.
They lack something special. Actually, you can listen to the table conversation, unlike most today’s restaurants.
Lynn Firev
Los Angeles
To the editor:
As his article points out, the complete services of old dishes are easily obtained in second -hand stores due to a fraction of the cost of newly imported plates and cups. For all young people who establish a home, I recommend the purchase of the hap of the relic.
The configuration of mixed places can be fashionable and interesting. If something breaks, disregard it gently and return to your local resale store or garage sale. You will do both the planet and the one in your pocket. And if Mom wants to give you a set, say “Yes!”
Melinda R. Meister
New Vernon, NJ
Help federal workers under Trump’s presidency
To the editor:
Re “I am a federal employee. This is what we need most in Trump’s era, “by Stacey Young (guest’s guest essay, Nytimes.com, January 12):
The writer expresses a completely reasonable fear about labor security and integrity, as well as harassment at work by a high -level politically designated and in private life by the Maga Goon team.
To provide the practical help you request, we need an effort at the national level of fundraising: small donors and billionaires must create and finance a system that pays online defense (and offensive), legal defense (and offensive) and all kinds of support, including direct and substantial financial aid.
Perhaps it would restrict the “investigations” of the frivolous agency and the search for always urgent media of a villain du jour if everyone knew that the last victim would obtain financial support to resist the storm and could carry perpetrators with all legal actions possible against its defamation and harassment.
Keith Nelson
Newton, Mass.
To the editor:
I understand that Stacey Young’s Point that federal employees will need legal, psychological and practical support to remain at work, given the probable hostility of the new administration towards them.
However, to supply that, the public needs comprehensive information about what is happening with employees and the general establishment in general. But due to a culture of GAG rules accumulated in at least five presidential administrations, both Democrats and Republican, it is unlikely that we understand it. In many agencies, employees are forbidden to speak with journalists or have such contact without the supervision of the authorities.
Fortunately there are Some peopleIncluding the society of professional journalists, fighting this surprising threat to democracy and human well -being.
Kathryn Foxhall
Hyattsville, MD.
The writer has been an independent journalist for a long time and a voluntary defender of the Society of Professional Journalists on the subject of the GAG Rule.
A ‘interhabing’ couple
To the editor:
Congratulations to Wendy Lu for his excellent article, “Share stories about love and disability” (Sunday Styles, January 26).
I have been a tetrapléjico since I suffered a football injury when I was in college. Now, more than 50 years later, I am part of a “interrab” couple, married to Anna, the love of my life and the father of triplet children who are second -year university students. I never thought I could have my own biological children, but medical science has allowed it.
Recently I retired from a 40 -year career as a district prosecutor’s assistant in Long Island, and I have a rich life in a loving family, wonderful friends, trips and the opportunity to tell my story to inspire others.
My disability does not define me. With Anna by my side, I have been able to face challenges to become the man I am today.
Ken Kunken
Rockville Center, NY