New Mobility Newsletter – Jan. 21, 2025

Extreme Motus: a wheelchair with a human engine to explore beyond the accessible paths

The Extreme Motus All-Terrrain wheelchair is an aluminum and aluminum aluminum mobility device designed to allow wheelchair users to explore beyond accessible paths and the land. Built with three large and low pressure tires and a resistant but relatively light frame, Extreme Motus design makes it easier for an adult to push a rider through rocky trails, sandy beaches and snowy trails.

Medicare now covers intestinal management devices

As of January 13, Medicare will cover intestinal management devices, also known as Transanal Irrigation Devices. As Bob Vogel writes, for many Tai Systems wheelchair users you can change the game, emptying the intestine so completely that users have a 24-48-hour window without having to worry about accidents. Now these effective but expensive systems will be more accessible.

Please remain sitting: access ramp

Four comic panels of a wheelchair user who fights for a ramp while holding a door, informing a store worker who should not have a ramp in front of an opening door outside, the worker promises to fix it and the user of the wheelchair that opens the door from the inside so as not to find more ramp.

How to manage pets as a wheelchair user

“I have read conversations of cat owners who seem to agree that the best thing can do to prevent a cat from being hit with his chair is to run over the cat with his chair,” writes John Beer. Talk to other wheelchair users to go beyond that questionable maximum and learn how they keep their little safe pets, and how they interact and care too.

Adaptive skiing taught me to embrace the evolution of my disability

Be Marihugh Esquó as a child, until the weakness caused by muscle dystrophy made him think that he would have to give up one of his favorite activities. He took years to ski with an open mind. But once he did, he loved it. “As my body continues to change, it is easier to rethink what I had previously considered a” loss “of skill, in the opportunity to be creative and adapt,” he writes.

Support new mobility

Wait! Before moving other parts of the Internet, consider supporting a new mobility. For more than three decades, New Mobility has published innovative content for active wheelchair users. We share practical tips for wheelchair users throughout the country, we review the technology that changes the life and equity of demand in medical care, trips and all facets of life. But none of this is cheap, easy or profitable. Your support helps us to give wheelchair users resources to build a satisfactory life.

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