Pregnancy and RSV –

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common condition that affects a person’s respiratory system. In most cases, RSV causes mild, cold-like symptoms. However, infants and older adults are at higher risk for severe RSV illness and may require hospitalization.

In August 2023, the US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first RSV vaccine (Abrysvo) for pregnant people to help prevent severe RSV in babies. It also protects the mother from possible illnesses or complications. Abrysvo is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Women who are between 32 and 36 weeks pregnant are eligible for the single-dose vaccine during RSV season, which is generally September through January in most states in the continental United States.

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What could happen if a pregnant woman contracts RSV? Can a mother transmit RSV to her baby?

Yes. Although RSV symptoms are usually mild, pregnant people are at higher risk of complications related to the disease, such as preeclampsia or premature birth. There is also a risk of the mother transmitting the virus to the fetus through the placenta.

What could happen if my baby gets RSV?

Because babies do not have a fully developed immune system, they are vulnerable to serious diseases such as RSV infections. In the United States, the CDC estimates that between 58,000 and 80,000 children under age 5 are hospitalized each year due to RSV infection. Possible complications of RSV exposure include low birth weight and lung disease.

Can the mother transmit the RSV antibody to the baby?

Yes. If you are pregnant and receive the RSV vaccine, your body will respond to the immunization by producing a protein (called an antibody) to protect against the virus that causes RSV. It takes about 2 weeks to develop the antibody, which will then be passed on to the baby. The result of receiving the vaccine means that your newborn will be protected against RSV at birth, when babies are most at risk.

How can I prevent RSV during pregnancy?

The only way to prevent RSV during pregnancy is to receive the maternal vaccine. The vaccine is given as an injection (single dose) in the upper arm.

How effective is the maternal RSV vaccine?

According to the CDC, maternal RSV vaccination can reduce a baby’s risk of being hospitalized with RSV by 57% in the first 6 months.

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