Weight loss can decrease the risk of dementia and improve mental performance and fertility.
As I mentioned previously, in the ABCs of the health consequences of obesity, TO It’s for arthritis, b It is for back pain and blood pressure, do It’s for Cancer, and d It’s for Diabetes. That leads us to mywhich is for encephalopathy.
Encephalopathy means brain disease. There is consistent data link obesity in middle age to a higher risk of dementia later in life. Researchers found that overweight people have about a third higher risk of dementia and those who are obese in middle age have about 90 percent higher risk. However, the risk is not limited only to future dysfunction. People with excess body weight do not seem to think as clearly at any age.
“It was discovered that obese participants presented “widespread impairments in executive functions” of the brain, including working memory, decision making, planning, cognitive flexibility, and verbal fluency. “From resisting temptation to keeping long-term goals in mind, executive functions play a critical role in everyday life,” notes a meta-analysis and review of 72 studies on the subject.
According to researchers, people can think about their obesity and the resulting stigma they experience up to five times an hour, but the cognitive deficits don’t seem to arise from distraction alone; There are structural brain differences between individuals who are in ideal weight versus overweight.
A review titled “Does the brain shrink as the waist expands?” observed gray matter atrophy at all ages among those with excess body fat. It is this reduced brain volume that has been correlated with lower executive function. As you can see below and at minute 1:42 of my video. The effects of obesity on dementia, brain function and fertilitycompromised integrity of the rest of the brain (white matter)suggests Accelerated brain aging, even in young adults and children with obesity.
Cognitive deficits in younger populations suggest There is something about obesity itself that is affecting brain function, rather than a later clinical consequence such as high blood pressure. Supposed mechanisms for this executive dysfunction. include Obesity-related inflammation and oxidative stress.
So does weight loss improve cognitive function? Based on a meta-analysis of 20 studies, researchers found that mental performance in a variety of domains can significantly improve even with modest weight loss. However, studies have not yet been performed to determine whether this translates into a normalization of the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Returning to the ABCs of the health consequences of obesity, F It is due to Fertility, or rather failed fertility. “Overweight and obese people searching “Fertility education should be provided about the detrimental effects of fatness and the benefits of weight reduction, including improved pregnancy rates,” a meta-analysis concluded. Men can too suffer altered fertility. The heavier a man is, the higher his risk of having a low sperm count or being completely sterile, as you can see below and at 3:01 in my video. This can be due in part to the effects of excess body fat on testosterone levels.
Fat it’s not the main site of estrogen production only in postmenopausal women, but also in men. An enzyme in body fat converts testosterone to estrogen. Men losing weight and going from obese to overweight could potentially raise blood testosterone levels by 13 percent.
A more dramatic cause of infertility in obese men is called “hidden penis.” The condition, which is also described in medical literature as a “hidden, buried, hidden, trapped and inconspicuous” penis, occurs when excess fat in the pubic area subsumes the penis (as its base is attached internally to the pubic bone ). . Moist, enveloping skin surfaces can lead to chronic inflammatory dermatitis that causes scarring and requires surgical intervention.
If you missed the previous blog posts, I covered them The best knee replacement alternative for the treatment of osteoarthritis and The effects of obesity on back pain, blood pressure, cancer and diabetes.
I continue the topic of obesity and weight with videos in the related posts below.
I cover all of this and more in detail in my book. How not to dietand his culinary companion, The Cookbook on How Not to Diethas over 100 delicious, weight-conscious recipes. Request them at your local library.
For more information on the health conditions discussed in this video, see the Alzheimer’s disease, cognitionand fertility thematic pages.