We create more than a hundred new videos every year. They are the culmination of countless hours of research, writing, editing, animation and production. We review thousands of scientific articles from peer-reviewed medical literature so busy people like you don’t have to.
In 2024, I covered a wide variety of hot topics. I released an update on Why did I change my mind about water fluoridation?a series on the benefits and side effects of flu, pneumonia, and shingles vaccinesand of course a lot about aging and anti-aging based on my research for How not to age. What videos made it to the top last year?
#10 Flu Vaccine Benefits and Side Effects
Randomized, placebo-controlled trials show that flu vaccines can save extraordinary lives. Can the flu be prevented with foods and supplements, such as elderberry and echinacea? See Elderberry Benefits and Side Effects: Does It Help with Colds and Flu?.
#9 The pros and cons of testing PSA levels for prostate cancer
Given the clear harms and small, uncertain benefits of PSA testing, most men would presumably decide to refuse to undergo it if they knew all the facts, but that depends on the individual. If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, what can you do about your diet, in addition to any other therapies you may choose? See the Thematic page on prostate cancer for all related videos.
#8 Are fish or fish oil supplements good for your heart?
Five new massive trials have recently been published, randomly assigning tens of thousands to various formulations of fish oil versus placebo. Do you want to know my omega-3 recommendations? see my Optimal Nutrient Recommendations.
#7 The best dietary detox
By eating at a lower rung of the food chain, those who choose plant-based diets are not as exposed to the industrial pollutants that bioaccumulate at higher levels.
#6 How to reduce Lp(a) with diet
What should we eat and what should we avoid to reduce lipoprotein (a), a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?
#5 Why do milk drinkers live shorter lives on average?
How could we reduce the risk of premature death from dairy consumption? One way is to switch to soy milk. Verify Is soy milk the most nutritious plant milk?.
#4 How to stimulate endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) for heart health
How can we improve the ability of our blood vessels to repair themselves? We can increase the functioning capacity of our endothelium by eating vegetables rich in nitrates, such as beets and greens. See Oxygenate the blood with vegetables rich in nitrates.
#3 Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment (Webinar Recording)
In this two-hour webinar, I cover bone mineral density assessment, common over-the-counter medications like acid blockers that can increase the risk of fractures, how safe and effective current oral and injected osteoporosis medications are, What foods can help protect our bones. , the best type and frequency of exercise and how to reduce the risk of falls.
#2 How not to age – Live presentation
In this live lecture, I cover the highlights of my book, How not to agethat became a New York Times best seller. I hope it helps you with your New Year’s resolutions. As always, all the income I receive from all my books They are donated directly to charities.
#1 Can Alzheimer’s disease be reversed with a plant-based diet?
Dr. Dean Ornish published the first randomized controlled trial investigating whether a plant-based diet and lifestyle program can reverse the course of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. What does improving cognition and function in Alzheimer’s patients with lifestyle medications really translate into in terms of human impact? Verify A Testimonial from Dr. Ornish’s Alzheimer’s Progression Reversal Study.
Thank you for being part of this community. we win more than 140,000 new subscribers in YouTube in 2024, and the number of people we can reach with this life-saving and life-changing information continues to grow.