Celebrating 35 Years of Print

December 2024 marked the last bimonthly print issue of New Mobility magazine. We reflect on NM’s long legacy as we transition to our new digital future. We tell the origin story, delve into the archives, catch up with some veteran contributors and familiar faces, and share some of your favorite memories.

The improbable and majority story of the origin of the new mobility

New Mobility editor Jean Dobbs began her career in 1991 as an intern at what was then called spinal network. She details the long and colorful history of “the little magazine that could,” while key contributors offer reflections on how New Mobility shaped their lives.

3 editors, 3 bully pulpits

Editors shape a magazine in many ways, none more obvious than voice. Barry Corbet, Tim Gilmer and Ian Ruder wrote hundreds of articles for New Mobility, often saving their most personal stories for the editor’s column, Bully Pulpit. Here are three to remember.

New Mexico advertisements through the years

Nothing documents a culture better than advertising. For the disability community, the ’90s and early ’90s were a heyday of shame and avant-garde.

People then and now

We catch up with some of the people (Mark Johnson, Jesse Billauer, Minna Hong and Candace Cable) who have appeared in the pages of New Mobility over the years.

Adapt and evolve towards the new mobility 2.0

New Mobility’s chief digital officer shares what he learned in a two-week sprint to produce our first full-length YouTube video. As we transition to a digital future, New Mobility plans to continue providing high-quality, authentic stories from and for our community.

Support new mobility

Wait! Before exploring other parts of the Internet, consider supporting New Mobility. For more than three decades, New Mobility has published innovative content for active wheelchair users. We share practical advice from wheelchair users across the country, review life-changing technologies, and demand equity in healthcare, travel, and all facets of life. But none of this is cheap, easy or profitable. Your support helps us provide wheelchair users with the resources to build a fulfilling life.

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