Cannabis, Strokes, and Heart Attacks? 

The temporary fivefold increase in heart attack risk associated with smoking cannabis may be due to increased heart rate, blood pressure, and carbon monoxide levels.

The “dark side of cannabis”—both “synthetic and non-synthetic marijuana”—include stroke?

There have There have been case reports of arterial damage due to the “vasoconstrictor effect of cannabis,” which has been well documented. a study found Cannabis users were one hundred times more likely to suffer from multifocal intracranial stenosis, where the arteries inside our brain close at multiple points, as you can see below and at 0:39 in my video. Does marijuana cause strokes and heart attacks?but that is a rare condition. What about strokes?

“The scarcity [lack] high level evidence about The adverse effects of marijuana use on the cerebrovascular system. [brain artery] Health has allowed the false notion that recreational marijuana is safe.” So the researchers decided to put it to the test in a study of millions of cannabis users and found that “recreational marijuana use is independently associated with a 17% increased likelihood of AIS hospitalization,” that is, being hospitalized with an acute ischemic stroke, but that may be only among those who wear cannabis regularly, “weekly or more frequently.”

The reason why think Its cause and effect is that the majority of recorded strokes occurred “during or shortly after exposure to marijuana,” and there are even cases where strokes recurred after re-exposure to marijuana. So when you put all that together, you get a compelling case. Although, it would certainly be necessary to randomize people to consume cannabis or a placebo.

It’s like the history of heart disease. A similar “temporal” relationship has been found between marijuana use and the development of heart attacks and sudden cardiac death, meaning they appeared to occur while people were using cannabis or immediately after consumption. “However, careful evaluation of the cardiovascular effects of marijuana inhalation is complicated by the fact that it is often used in combination with other drugs, such as alcohol or cocaine.” Therefore, you can’t simply ask heart attack victims if they were smoking marijuana at the time of the cardiac event and make the connection; You should also ask about the consumption of other substances. Within an hour of wearing cocaine, for example, the risk of suffering a heart attack increases more than 20 times.

That’s about four times more than after smoking pot. The hour after smoking marijuana, your heart attack risk appears to nearly quintuple, but only during that hour. Then your risk decreases to normal. So what does this mean? Although heart disease is our leading cause of death, the risk of having a heart attack each hour is only one in a million in any given hour. So even if you light up a joint, which can quintuple your risk, that would only increase your risk to about 1 in 150,000 and only for that hour. Even if you smoked every day, your annual risk might increase by only a few percentage points. But what is the reason for this greater risk?

Well, we’ve known since the 1970s that one hour after smoking a joint, our pulse goes up to about 35 percent, as you can see below and at 3:20 in my video. Smoke a single joint too increases blood pressure, as well as carbon monoxide levels in the blood of angina patients, and reduces their ability to exercise almost by half. Is that just because they are breathing smoke of any kind? No, smoking a placebo joint (that is, a marijuana joint with the THC removed) only reduces exercise capacity by about 9 percent. In contrast, after smoking a joint of real cannabis, the time study participants could exercise before experiencing chest pain was reduced by 48 percent. So, it seems to be a specific effect of the drug. Is it as bad as tobacco? We discovered it a year later.

“Smoke 1 marijuana [sic] cigarette diminished exercise time to angina longer than smoking 1 high in nicotine [tobacco] cigarette,” which only reduced exercise capacity by 23 percent, compared to 50 percent after the joint. This may be because smoking marijuana seems to put more strain on the heart, so it’s not surprising that it was worse than tobacco.

It could also be carbon monoxide. smoke marijuana directs to almost five times more carbon monoxide in the bloodstream than smoking tobacco. This is partly because, compared to cigarette smokers, cannabis smokers inhale more deeply and then hold the smoke for longer, allowing more carbon monoxide to enter their system. Therefore, increased heart rate and pressure, “cardiovascular acceleration,” may explain accelerated chest pain in patients with heart disease.

Does cannabis have any chronic effects on the arteries? Users seem have arteries relatively stiffer for their age, suggesting “an acceleration of the aging process.” We are as old as our arteries.

Even secondhand marijuana smoke can be harmful, according to a recent study in the Journal of the American Heart Association entitled“One minute of secondhand marijuana smoke impairs vascular endothelial function,” that is, arterial function. Therefore, there was a call to protect “vulnerable populations, including the elderly and the disabled.” [multi-unit housing] MUH residents, pregnant women and children.” But that minute of exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke was in rats, so it’s unclear how applicable this is to us beyond, perhaps, not smoking around our pets.

I have many other videos on cannabis if you are interested. Watch the related videos below.

I first posted these videos in a webinar and you can find them all in one digital download here.

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