16 Holiday Gifts for Wheelchair Users

Illustration of a male manual wheelchair user in a robe. He is sitting in front of a Christmas tree. holding a soccer ball with an unwrapped gift box on the floor.

This year’s holiday gift guide features 16 products that New Mobility staff and contributors can’t live without. We have gifts in a variety of price ranges: from $25 or less, to $100 or less, and larger purchases of $100 or more.

Gifts under $25

I keep a small packet in my bag wherever I go in case of emergency. Tie a loose cord, make a zipper for four, fasten a broken part of a chair; You name it, they can handle it. $6

Ian Ruder, editor-in-chief of New Mobility

fabric foam

An easy access, quad compatible strap for any weak grip. Whether tying something to my lap or gluing it to my hands to play drums, Fabrifoam works wonders. $10+

Jen French, contributor

RMS 26-Inch Folding Grip with Soft Grip

A power wheelchair user uses a grabber to retrieve a cushion from the top of a chair.
Sylvia Longmire uses a folding clamp for various tasks around the house and while traveling.

I never travel anywhere without this folding clamp. It easily fits into my carry-on suitcase or backpack and is great for picking things up off the floor and reaching for light switches and items on shelves. $16

Sylvia Longmiretravel contributor

Zipper Compression Socks

We know that compression socks are good to wear, but they are a pain to wear. The zipper makes it much easier and avoids medical providers. $10+

Jen French, contributor

Product photo of three bottles of hot sauce, each labeled "Paralyzing hot sauce"

Paralyzing hot sauce  

For those who like a little warmth and at the same time support a businessman with cerebral palsy who uses a wheelchair. $10

Teal Sherer, Director of Social Media at New Mobility

Luminara Remote Flameless Candles  

I love the cozy glow of a candlelit room, but as a quad, I don’t mess with matches. Luminara makes the best flameless candles I’ve found, many of which can be controlled with a single remote. $25+

Jenny Smith, contributor

Gifts under $100

Camelbak melting tank

Easy access to plenty of water is essential to avoid urinary tract infections, maintain intestinal health, and stay hydrated. The new Fusion zipper tanks are a big improvement – ​​easier to fill and clean than traditional models. $55

Ian Ruder, editor-in-chief of New Mobility

Product photo of black gloves with full fingers and gray striped palm.
In humid climates, the right pair of gloves can make all the difference.

Wet Weather Gloves

I love the Giro Xnetic H2O cycling gloves when it’s raining or wet. They stay warm even when wet and dry quickly. $37

Matt BartonCartoonist/Illustrator

GoFit Muscle Massage Hook

This gadget helps to massage tight trap knots and other muscles. Even as a quad, I can put good pressure on the knots thanks to its design. $35

Jenny SmithCollaborator

TOLOCO massage gun

I use this for my sore shoulders and arms (especially after doing a lot of pushing) and tight muscles in my back and hip flexors. $40

Teal Sherer, Director of Social Media at New Mobility

Billy Footwear

With stylish and comfortable shoes designed by a quad for people with limited hand function, Billy offers many great designs to keep your feet looking good. Read full review. $45+

Mike Franz, contributor

Braun Silk-epil 3 Epilator 3-270, Hair removal device

As a quad, I needed help shaving my legs until I discovered an epilator. An epilator plucks hair from the roots with its miniature tweezers. Sitting on the bed, I can “shave” my legs without help. $40

Jenny Smith, contributor

Great gifts (over $100)

Sierra Comfort Portable Low Level Massage Table

This table is low enough that I can transfer right from my chair and provides a more solid surface than a bed for yoga and stretching. It’s pretty lightweight, so if I need to fold it and push it into a corner, I can do it myself. $249

Regan Linton, contributor

man with limited grip cutting cucumber with an adaptable knife.
Mike Franz says Active Hands knives are the best adaptable knives he has ever used.

Active Hands Deluxe Cooking Pack  

Any adaptable device that makes cooking easier is worth its weight in gold. The Deluxe Set offers good savings compared to purchasing all 10 items separately. Read full review. $110

Mike Franz, contributor

Vicair AllRounder O2 Cushion

A great way to protect your butt out of the wheelchair. If you have sensation, it is also comfortable. Read full review. $247

Jen French, contributor

push smoked salmon

They may be expensive, but you will never buy another set of brakes. The chair will be a little wider and will move a little, but the brakes will not fail during the transfer. (For pricing inquiries, go to the Push Lox website.)

Jen French, contributor

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Wait! Before exploring other parts of the Internet, consider supporting New Mobility. For more than three decades, New Mobility has published innovative content for active wheelchair users. We share practical advice from wheelchair users across the country, review life-changing technologies, and demand equity in healthcare, travel, and all facets of life. But none of this is cheap, easy or profitable. Your support helps us provide wheelchair users with the resources to build a fulfilling life.

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