* add daily harvest and butcher box links
I’m sharing a roundup of my favorite healthy snack brands. Almost all of them can be found in Prosperous market – Use my referral link to get 40% off your first order! For my favorites from Thrive Market, check out this post.
Hello friends! How are you? I hope the week goes well! Today I have a discovery call and a lab review call, and I’m looking forward to a sweaty yoga class. I hope you have a beautiful day ahead.
For today’s post, I wanted to talk about My all-time favorite healthy food brands. When I say “healthy,” I mean they have simple ingredients with minimal added oils, artificial sweeteners, colors, etc. I usually try to buy them from certified organic, wild-caught seafood, and B Corps because they care about people. and the planet.
In an *ideal* world, I would make everything, including our snacks, from scratch. I make almost all of our meals at home (we try to get takeout or restaurant food 1-2 times a week), but I still opt for packaged options for convenience. I have a mental list of brands I love and I wanted to share some of them in today’s post!
Please know that I totally understand that inflation is crazy and grocery costs are out of control. If you are simply struggling to put food on the table, I see you and I send you the biggest hug. I don’t want anyone to feel ashamed or bad about their decisions; We are all here doing the best we can.
My kids would be horrified if they could see my “dogs” in this photo hahaha
The Rails sweater is here // the jeans are here <– on sale right now
My favorite sources for online shopping are NOW Food (the code is FITNESSISTA), Prosperous market and Butcher’s Box. (<—each link will give you a discount!) These aren't the only brands we buy, but my favorites that come to mind! I'll probably add to this list over time.
My favorite healthy food brands
Meats and seafood:
– butcher box for almost all our meats and seafood
– Organic eggs from Vital Farms
– Applegate Cold Meats
Milk, yogurt and almond milk:
– Raw milk from Golden Rule Dairy (we can buy it at the farmers market)
– Califa Farms Almond Milk
– Children like 365 brand yogurts.
Breakfast Bars and Treats:
– GoMacro Bars
– Perfect bars
– Purely Elizabeth Granola and Oatmeal
– Lovebird Cereal (they have it at Costco now!)
– EquiLife Whole Food Bars (I love these things)
Sauces, dressings, mayonnaises and sauces:
– Kevin’s sauces (these are AMAZING)
– Chosen Foods avocado oil and avocado oil mayonnaise
– Primal Kitchen Salad Dressing (in a pinch; I prefer homemade salad dressing)
Nuts and seeds:
– NOW Food for everything. I especially love their Brazil nuts, raw cashews, and trail mix.
– Mamma Chia bags
Dried and canned fish:
– Bite
– Epic Wagyu Beef Jerky
– Wild Planet canned salmon, tuna and sardines
– Paleovalley
Vegetables, beans, canned vegetables, rice and pasta:
– Poshi Vegetable Packets
– Jovial sprouted chickpeas
– The Lundberg family grows rice.
– Eden Foods for beans
– Cappello Pasta
– Kite Hill Ravioli
Crunchy things:
– Jackson’s sweet potato chips
– Seven chips and cookies
– Simple Mills and Sweet Thins Cookies
– Lesser Evil popcorn (my favorite popcorn in the world)
– Quinn Peanut Butter Pretzels
– Good Company tokens
Bread and tortillas:
– Seven tortillas (they were in the news this week for selling them to Pepsi for 1.2 billion. I can’t help but be excited about them – it’s every entrepreneur’s dream – but I hope they maintain the integrity of their products)
– Pacha Viva Sourdough Buns (the best! 3 ingredients)
– Dave’s Killer Bread (not the best ingredients, but much better than other brands on the shelves)
Frozen treats:
– Birch waffles
– Alexia potatoes and fries. I usually read the ingredients to find options with fewer oils.
– Applegate Breakfast Sausage (we usually get chicken and maple)
– Daily harvest! I still have some Daily Harvest almost every day. What I love most are their smoothies, flatbreads and soups. Use FITNESSISTA to get up to 40% off.
– Cascadian Farms for frozen fruits and vegetables
Xo. I LOVE dark chocolate with salted almond butter. My favorite of all time.
Alter Echo
So tell me friends: What brands am I missing? What are some of your favorite healthier food brands?