Black Women Have the Lowest Rates of Ovarian Cancer — But Are Less Likely To Survive the Disease

September 2024 is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.

Like most cancers, ovarian cancer has better outcomes if treated early. However, it is difficult to detect ovarian cancer in its early stages because it often has no symptoms. In the United States alone, there are nearly 20,000 new cases of ovarian cancer each year and more than 14,000 deaths.

Ovarian cancer, which occurs when abnormal cells in the ovaries grow out of control, is most common in white women; however, black women have lower survival rates. And the difference is quite big. He five-year survival rate in black women it is 41%, 7% less than the five-year survival rate of 48% seen in white women.

And for early- and late-stage ovarian cancer, survival rates for black women are worse not only than white women, but also those of all other races and ethnicities.

We approach Holly Harris, Master of Public Health and Science in Scienceprincipal investigator of a 2022 study designed to better understand why Black women have worse ovarian cancer survival rates and outcomes than other races and ethnicities.

Disparities in Access Worse Outcomes for Black Women

Harris, an associate professor of epidemiology at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, said many of the disparities in ovarian cancer outcomes among Black women come down to access. Unfortunately, Black women are less likely to be offered treatments recommended by professional medical guidelines. In fact, one study 2019 found that black women were 25% less likely than white women to receive recommended treatments for ovarian cancer.

“Black women are less likely to receive care that meets guidelines, and that is likely affected by the areas they live in and their access to different resources,” Harris said.

Social determinants of health worsen ovarian cancer outcomes in black women

Social determinants of health (SDoH) may contribute to the health disparities and inequities faced by Black women. SDoH are non-medical factors, such as socioeconomics (type of job, education level and income) and where you live, work and play, which affect quality of life, opportunities and health outcomes.

According to the National Women’s Law Center, in almost every state, black women are most likely have insurance, live in poverty, have limited access to food, and face problems finding housing than non-Hispanic white women. All of these factors can make it difficult for Black women to access and pay for health care.

“Socioeconomic factors probably explain some of the disparities [Black women with ovarian cancer face]Harris said. “The area where you live impacts [your ability to receive] quality care. For ovarian cancer, it’s really important that people can receive care that adheres to the guidelines, and that’s something that’s probably influenced by socioeconomic status.”

Structural racism may affect ovarian cancer outcomes

Even with good care, Harris added that Black women can face racism from health care providers (HCPs) when seeking treatment. She notes that structural racism may influence disparities among black women with ovarian cancer. Structural racism They are the various ways in which society limits people’s resources, opportunities, power, and well-being based on their race and/or ethnicity.

TO 2022 Research Article found that structural racism affecting Black women’s finances led some to go without reproductive health care or face barriers to seeking care, which may include:

  • Not having a reproductive health care center in your neighborhood.
  • Not being able to access reliable transportation to the nearest reproductive health care facility
  • Medicaid does not cover certain reproductive health services
  • Have Medicaid co-pays for reproductive health care services that are too expensive, leading them to delay or forgo care.

The researchers also found that individual racism led some women to choose to receive health care from health professionals of the same race.

Because racism can play a significant role in Black women’s health outcomes, Harris also said healthcare professionals must address their biases to provide better care for Black patients.

“[HCPs must] uncovering your own unconscious biases and making sure you are giving patients the best care possible,” Harris said.

How Black Women Can Seek Better Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Here are ways you can advocate to get the medical care you need and increase your chances of surviving ovarian cancer:

  • Be your own patient advocate: If you think your healthcare professional is ignoring your concerns, say so. Go to your doctors’ appointments with questions prepared, have your medical records handy, ask them to explain any test results you don’t understand, and get a second opinion if necessary.
  • Seek care at an NCI-designated cancer center: According to Harris, Black women can increase their ovarian cancer survival rates by seeking care at quality, respected cancer institutions. “If you have the ability to go to an NCI-designated cancer center, you are more likely to receive quality care,” Harris said. You can search the NCI database to find an NCI-designated cancer center in or near your community.
  • Find culturally competent healthcare professionals: It is important to find a healthcare professional who can offer quality care and take into account their race, ethnicity, language, and cultural beliefs, which may affect your patient’s experience. You can search online to discover healthcare professionals of your race and ethnicity at sites like black or the Association of Black Women Physicians to find healthcare professionals who make you feel seen and understood.
  • Consider joining a clinical trial: Participating in a clinical trial can give you access to the newest treatments and allow you to contribute to research that could benefit other Black women with ovarian cancer. You can ask your oncologist or visit either to find an appropriate clinical trial to discuss with your doctor.
  • Reach out to support networks and advocacy groups: Organizations like the SHARE Support against cancer can provide you with the resources and support to help you navigate ovarian cancer treatment.

This educational resource was created with the support of Merck.

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