Healthy Habits for Teens |

Things to keep in mind

Will the habits I have now really make a difference when I’m older?

Yes, 65% of all adult deaths are caused by heart disease, cancerand strokeIn many cases, these diseases are preventable. Many of the behaviors that cause them begin at an early age. For example, teens who use tobacco are more likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer, or stroke as adults.

At my age, what should I be especially worried about?

The leading causes of death among teens and young adults are accidents, homicides, and suicides. Cancer and heart disease are rare among teens, but they can affect you at this age. Unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections can harm your health. They can also cause social and personal problems.

Do young men have different health risks than young women?

Yes. Young men tend to engage in riskier behaviors than young women, such as not wearing seat belts. They are also more likely to carry guns, get into physical fights, use smokeless tobacco or marijuana, drink alcohol excessively, and have more sexual partners. On the other hand, young women face some special risks. They attempt suicide more often. They also try to lose weight in unhealthy ways more often than young men.

Should I talk to my doctor if I’m worried about my health or my body?

Yes. It is important to talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about your health or your body. Your doctor is there to help you.

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