“Do I Want to Quit Smoking?” Quiz

How do you feel about quitting smoking?

Check the following statement that best describes how you feel about quitting smoking:

____ I like to smoke and I don’t plan on quitting.

____ I like many things about smoking, but I would like to quit.

____ I am ready to quit smoking now.

If you answered, “I like smoking and I don’t plan on quitting” Ask yourself why so many people have quit smoking. Ask yourself how quitting smoking might help improve your health. Do you have breathing problems, heart problems, or high blood pressure? Is there a history of cancer in your family? Quitting smoking can reduce your chances of having these problems.

If you answered, “I like many things about smoking, but I would like to quit” You are like most smokers. Now, ask yourself how you will feel better after you quit smoking. You may come up with some of the following answers:

The more reasons you have to quit, the more likely you are to stick with your plan. If you answered: “I am ready to quit smoking now” Your doctor wants to help you do just that. Here are some tips to help you understand why you smoke. Knowing why you smoke can help you develop an effective quit plan.

  • My health will improve. In what way? ______________________________________________
  • I will save money. How much? _____________________
  • My house and car will be cleaner. Why is this important to you? ______________________________________________
  • My family and friends will be happy. Why? ______________________________________________
  • I will feel better about myself. How? ______________________________________________
  • Another reason is: ______________________________________

What are your smoking triggers?

Start by listing some of the times when you most want to smoke a cigarette. These are the “triggers” that make you want to smoke. Triggers are the events that trigger your desire to smoke a cigarette. Complete the sentence “I want a cigarette…”:

For each trigger that applies to you, think of something you could do to decrease your likelihood of smoking. For example, instead of smoking after eating, you could get up and brush your teeth.

  • When I see someone else smoking.
  • When I spend time with family or friends who smoke.
  • When I see cigarettes in an ashtray.
  • When I’m cleaning the house.
  • When the phone rings.
  • When I’m relaxing.
  • When I drink a cup of coffee.
  • When I drink an alcoholic beverage.
  • During or after meals.
  • When I drive a car.
  • After leaving work.
  • When I’m watching TV.

Do you use cigarettes to relieve uncomfortable feelings?

Smokers often turn to cigarettes to cope with certain uncomfortable feelings. Think about whether you do this. You may have smoked cigarettes when you felt the following emotions:

If you know you smoke to cope with difficult or stressful times, you’ll be better able to cope without smoking. Deep breathing, relaxation exercises, and guided imagery have helped many smokers quit. Ask your doctor for more information about these techniques.

  • Angry
  • Mistreated
  • Upset
  • Hurt
  • Resentful
  • Afraid
  • Ashamed
  • Frustrated
  • Lonely
  • Ashamed
  • Abandoned
  • Depressed
  • Guilty
  • Anxious or stressed
  • I feel sorry for yourself
  • Bored
  • Abused
  • Concerned


CDC: How to quit smoking

Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians

This information is intended to be a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your GP to find out if this information applies to you and to learn more about this topic.

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