Preparing for Parenthood: How to Wash Baby Bottles

Having a baby is a big life change. Babies sleep a lot, make a lot of messes in their diapers, and eat a lot. In general, newborns eat every 2 to 3 hours, or 8 to 12 times a day. As they grow, the number of times they eat per day will decrease, while the amount they eat each time will increase.

In a Recent survey of new parents In a study conducted for the American Cleaning Institute, 76% of parents cited kitchen cleaning and bottle cleaning/sterilization preparation as the most important cleaning and hygiene priorities when preparing to welcome a new baby into the home.

Even if you choose to breastfeed, most parents will use bottles at some point in their child’s life. It’s extremely important to properly clean, sanitize, and store bottles and other feeding supplies to keep your baby healthy and safe. Newborns and young infants are especially vulnerable to germs and foodborne illnesses because their immune systems are not fully developed.

Path to better health

Baby bottles should be cleaned after each use or feeding. If your baby does not finish the bottle, you can store it in a cool place for up to 2 hours, but no longer. Never rinse and reuse or add new formula or breast milk to a dirty or used bottle. Baby bottles should be thoroughly cleaned and dried to prevent the growth of bacteria or germs.

Each bottle contains several components, including the bottle, nipple, cap, ring, and valve. Some of these are dishwasher safe, or you may need to wash them by hand. Below are recommended guidelines for proper bottle care.


Before you begin cleaning, drying, disinfecting or storing bottles, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Use a clean hand towel or paper towel to dry your hands.

Remove and separate all parts of the bottle, then rinse everything under running water. Make sure you know which parts are hand wash only and which are dishwasher safe.

Dishwasher safe

Place all dishwasher-safe baby bottle parts on the top rack of the dishwasher. It may be helpful to place smaller items, such as nipples or lids, in a small basket or bag to avoid losing them. To run the dishwasher, select the hot water cycle and the dry or heat sanitize setting. This will help kill any germs, bacteria, or dried milk on the baby bottle parts.

Hand wash

Don’t hand wash items directly in the sink, as they may contain germs. You should place the pieces in a container or basin used only for baby feeding items. Or you can clean the sink with hot, soapy water beforehand to remove germs.

Fill the washing area with hot, soapy water and scrub each item with a brush used only for cleaning baby bottles. Most stores sell brushes designed specifically to fit the different parts of the bottle. Once clean, rinse each item once more under running water to remove excess soap.


Hand-washed items should be air-dried on a clean dish towel, paper towel, or bottle rack. Dishwasher-safe parts of baby bottles should also be dried completely before storing for later use. Do not hand-dry any items with a towel or cloth, as germs can be transferred this way. Instead, allow them to air-dry in a clean space.


Sanitizing is also an important part of the bottle cleaning process. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends sanitizing all bottle parts at least once a day when the baby is younger than 2 months old. Doctors may recommend doing this more often if the baby is premature or has a weakened immune system.

Some dishwashers have a sanitizing cycle you can use. If not, there are other methods you can choose from.

  • Boil: Place individual bottle parts or feeding items in a large pot and cover with water. Bring the water to a boil. After 5 minutes, turn off the heat and remove the items with a clean utensil, such as tongs. Allow all items to air dry in a clean space before next use.
  • Steam: Place individual bottle parts or feeding elements in a microwave or steamer. Follow the appliance’s instructions for disinfecting, cooling and drying the parts.
  • Bleach: This method should only be used if all other methods are not available. In a clean container or basin, mix a solution of 2 teaspoons of unscented bleach per gallon (16 cups) of water. Place individual bottle parts or feeding items into the container. Make sure they are completely covered with the solution and let them soak for at least 2 minutes. Remove the items with a clean utensil, such as tongs, and place them in a clean space to air dry before next use.


Wash your hands with soap and water before handling any food. Once all parts are completely dry, reassemble the bottles and store them in a clean, safe place. This will help prevent contamination.

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