What About Omega-3s and Vegetarians’ Stroke Risk? 

Does eating fish or taking fish oil supplements reduce stroke risk?

In my last video, we began to explore what might explain the increased risk of stroke in vegetarians. found in the EPIC-Oxford study. As you can see below and at minute 0:25 of my video Vegetarians and stroke risk factors: Omega-3?vegetarians have A lower risk of heart disease and cardiovascular disease overall, but a higher risk of stroke. We looked at vitamin D levels as a possible mechanism, but that didn’t seem to be the reason. What about long-chain omega-3s, fish fats like EPA and DHA?

It is not surprising that their levels are found “They are markedly lower in vegetarians and particularly in vegans than in meat eaters.” They are about 30 percent lower in vegetarians and more than half as low in vegans, as you can see below and at 0:45 in my video. video.

According to “the most extensive systematic evaluation to date of the effects of omega-3 fats on cardiovascular health,” Combinatorial According to 28 randomized controlled trials, there is no benefit to stroke. There is evidence that taking fish oil “does not reduce heart disease, stroke, or death,” nor does it reduce overall mortality. This may be because omega-3s can be rationBut mercury in fish may be making things worse. “Balancing the benefits against the risks of contamination from fish consumption has been a challenge for regulatory agencies and public health professionals.”

For example, dietary exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can be associated with an increased risk of stroke. In one study, for example, “neither fish nor PCB intake related However, when adjusted for fish consumption, i.e. with the same fish intake, dietary PCBs were associated with an increased risk of total stroke, so PCB contaminants may be masking the benefit of fish. If we had a time machine and could go back to before the Industrial Revolution and find fish in an uncontaminated state, we might find that it protects against stroke. looking According to the data from the EPIC-Oxford study, if fish were protective, then we might expect pescatarians (those who eat fish but not other meats) to have fewer strokes, since they would get the benefit of fish without the risk of other meats. But no, that’s not the reality. So it doesn’t seem like omega-3s are responsible either.

Let’s take a closer look at what vegetarians eat.

When it comes to plant-based diets for cardiovascular disease prevention, not all plant-based foods are safe. created same. There is are There are two types of vegetarians: those who do it for their health and those who do it for ethical reasons, such as global warming or animals, and the latter tend Eating different diets. Healthy vegans tend to eat more fruits and less sweets, for example, and are not often seen eating vegan donuts, as shown below and at 2:41 in my video. video.

“Concerns about health and costs were main motivations for [meat] “reduction” in the United States. A middle-class American family is four times more likely to cut back on meat for health reasons compared to environmental or animal welfare concerns, as you can see in the chart below and at minute 2:55 of my video.

But in the UK, where the EPIC-Oxford stroke study was conducted, ethics was the number one reason. given to become vegetarian or vegan, as you can see below and at minute 3:05 in my video.

We know that “plant-based diets, diets that emphasize “Higher intake of plant foods and lower intake of animal foods are associated with a lower risk of incident cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease mortality, and all-cause mortality” (a lower risk of dying from all causes together) “in a general U.S. adult population.” But that’s just for healthy plant foods. Eating lots of Wonder Bread, soda, and apple pie isn’t going to do you any favors. “However, for all types of plant-based diets, it’s crucial that plant-based food choices are given “Careful consideration.” We should choose fruits and whole grains over refined cereals and avoid trans fats and added sugars. Could it be that vegetarian Brits were simply eating more crisps? We’ll find out below.

Another mistake in trying to explain the increased risk. Could it be that vegetarians were eating particularly unhealthy diets? Tags like vegetarian either vegan Just tell me what you don’t eat. You can be a vegetarian and still consume a lot of unhealthy foods, like chips, crisps, and soda. That’s why, as a doctor, I prefer the term Whole foods, plant-based nutritionThat tells me what you eat. You eat vegetables and you follow a diet focused on the healthiest foods out there.

If you missed the first four videos in this series, check out:

Are you surprised by the discovery of suspicious oil? Learn more: Is fish oil just snake oil? and Omega-3s and the tale of the Eskimo fish.

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