What you’ll want to know

YoThe saying gets old: “If you would just stop thinking so much or change what you think, you wouldn’t be depressed.” How many times have you heard it? Well, don’t say it, but there is a lot of truth in it, in a fascinating way. Let’s talk about it…

The “tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon” is an example of metacognition that works to inform you that a piece of information is somewhere in your memory…

According to Professor Roger Hagen, people struggling with depression and anxiety “don’t need to worry or dwell on it.”

He goes on to say: “Just realizing this is liberating for a lot of people.”

Well, do you feel liberated?


Professor Hagen, together with a team of researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, published a scientific article several years ago on the treatment of depression using metacognitive therapy.

Wait, what? Metacognitive therapy?

We have much to review regarding this fascinating and effective psychotherapy.

In fact, we will address it in two parts. We will begin with an analysis of metacognition, cognitive-attentional syndrome and rumination. And we will return in the second part to learn the details of the therapy.

Come on…

What is metacognition?

If you are not familiar with metacognitive therapy, the best place to start is by learning about metacognition. For reference, I turned to the Metacognitive Therapy Institute (MCT).

Well, a simple definition…

Metacognition is the facet of cognition that controls mental processes and thinking.

Need more?

How does metacognition manifest itself?

Most of us have direct conscious experience with metacognition. How about this? You can’t remember someone’s name, but you’re sure it’s stored in your memory. You might say, “It’s on the tip of my tongue.”

The “tip-of-the-tongue” phenomenon is an example of metacognition that works to inform you that a piece of information is somewhere in your memory, even though you cannot recall it.

Let’s take it one step further. Two days after you couldn’t think of anything, the name pops into your mind out of nowhere. It was metacognition that retrieved it and brought it into your consciousness. I mean, something had to have happened, right?

Yes, we are aware of some of our metacognitions. However, most of the ones that control our thinking and conscious experience operate below conscious awareness.

Cognitive-attentional syndrome

“Man, I’m in a thought rut and it’s out of control.”

Many of us know from personal experience that one of the hallmarks of depression and anxiety is that our thoughts become difficult to control and are biased in ways that worsen our suffering and its duration.

And it can get to the point where we feel like we have no control.

If that weren’t enough, we may find that our thinking and attention become fixed in patterns of ruminating and obsessing about ourselves and threatening information.

TCM recognizes the change in thinking patterns and its importance, which is why it was given the name cognitive-attentional syndrome (CAS).

How does cognitive-attentional syndrome manifest?

The CAS pattern consists of worry, rumination, fixation on threat, and coping behaviors that one believes are helpful, although many of them are counterproductive and perpetuate emotional problems.

What do you know? CAS is controlled by metacognitions.

To alleviate the disorder, it is necessary to eliminate the SCA by developing new ways of controlling attention and relating to negative thoughts and beliefs. It is also necessary to modify the metacognitive beliefs that give rise to unhelpful thought patterns.

What is rumination?

It is important to pay special attention to rumination, a fierce adversary. What is it then?

Rumination is a distress response mechanism that involves repetitively and passively focusing on distress symptoms and their possible causes and consequences. It is a worrying symptom of depression and a warning sign for the diagnosis. By the way, it can also cause depression.

But keep in mind that rumination is not exclusive to depression, as it can occur with anxiety, eating and substance use disorders, as well as self-harming behaviors.

Now, you might think that rumination is synonymous with worry, but that is not the case. Rumination tends to focus on bad feelings and experiences from the past, while worry leans toward what may come.

Let’s come back for part two.

Once again, the annoying (but often true) observation: “You know, if you would just stop thinking so much or change what you think, you wouldn’t be depressed.”

In the context of Professor Hagen’s work, metacognition and metacognitive therapy come to life.

And now on to relief. Don’t forget to check back for our analysis of metacognitive therapy in part 2. Coming soon.

Below is a summary of the article from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology: How to Get Rid of Depression by Changing Your Mindset

The document in its entirety: Metacognitive therapy for depression

Go to the Institute of Metacognitive Therapy site and see what you can see and learn.

This is an excellent article: Metacognition: definition, strategies and skills

How about an informative article on rumination? The thoughts keep coming: 10 ways to manage rumination

Please read Chipur’s titles. I bet you will find something interesting and useful.


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