Do You Really Want a Salty Electrolyte Drink? Here’s Why Hydrate is Better

Staying hydrated is essential to living a healthy life. Obviously, we all need water for the daily functioning of the body, but when are sweating a lot (like when are exercising), is It is crucial that you quickly replace the fluids you You have lost through sweat.

Plain water is OKbut supplemental hydration drinks help add essential electrolytes and Carbohydrates for more effective fluid absorption.

Electrolyte drinks are everywhere these days. But are they safe? Really better?

Continue reading to find out why Beachbody Performance Hydrate may be a good option. best optionespecially if are regulate your daily sodium intake.

That Up with sodium and vitamin Eelectrolyte Drinks?

Man drinks sports drink during training | Sports drink

Is It is healthy to sweat a little when are exercising, but is It is important that you replenish that youyou theand through sweat in order to keep performancehelps recovery, and of course, prevent dehydration. One of the best ways to do this is with a moisturizing electrolyte drink.

A little electrolyte drinks They are packed with sugar, which can cause a spike in blood sugar, but many of the unsweetened varieties are high in sodium. The sodium present in electrolyte mixtures helps to: of your body rapid absorption of liquids, but if are in a salt restricted dietyou have to be careful how much you consume

Here are some quick facts to keep in mind:

  • According to the CDC, the leading cause of death in the U.S. is heart disease.
  • Consuming too much sodium can increase blood pressure and the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • According to the American Heart Association (AHA), we need a minimum of 500 mg of sodium for bodily functions, with an ideal maximum of 1,500 mg.

Some of the most popular hydration blends contain Between 20% and 67% of the AHA ideal sodium intake for those looking to reduce their sodium intake. — that is to say you I have to reduce salt elsewhere (and who wants to eat bland food?). But We have You’ve found a better way: Beachbody Performance Hydrate!

Because Beachbody Performance Hydrate?

Beachbody Performance Hydrate is a better option option For people looking for optimum hydration Without overusing salt — A recipe for success when it comes to Control your sodium intake.

Just 230 mg Per serving, Hydrate contains Only 15% of The AHA suggested daily sodium intake is 1,500 mg and only 10% of the FDA’s recommended daily intake (%DV) of sodium of 2,300 mg. In comparison, with 300 mg of sodium Nuun Sports Hydration Lime Lemon contains 20% of the AHA recommendation and 13% of the FDA recommended daily value; with 560 mg of sodium Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier Lemon Lime has 37% of the AHA suggestion and 24% of the FDA recommended daily value; and 1000 mg of sodium LMNT Citrus Salt has 67% of the AHA recommendation and 43% of the FDA recommended daily value. That leaves virtually no room for additional Salt to add flavor to your meals.

(1,500 mg)
% of FDA Daily Value
(2,300 mg)
BBP Hydration 230 mg 15% 10%
Nuun Sports Hydration
Lime lemon
300 mg 20% 13%
Liquid intravenous hydration
Lemon Lime Multiplier
560 mg 37% 24%
LMNT Citrus Salt 1,000 mg 67% 43%

But that is Not everything that makes Hydrate so special:

  • You get an ideal balance of carbohydrates and electrolytes that, when combined with water, creates the optimum osmolality for better fluid absorption during exercise. Hydrate‘s The solution is slightly lower than the osmolality of blood, which means that the body can absorb it better, easier and faster. More effective hydration.
  • You will also get a beneficial amount of potassium, calcium and magnesium.
  • Hydrate also contains quercetin, a polyphenol with antioxidant properties that help Support performance.
  • It also contains low-level carbohydrates to help with fluid absorption.
  • Hydrate’s superior formula helps improve endurance, delay fatigue and maintain exercise performance.
  • And of course, Hydrate yourself It is delicious, without synthetic colors, or artificial flavors, sweeteners or preservatives.

Now you know why Hydrate actually hydrates you better than other electrolyte drinks. More information In this regard here.

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