Ask the Registered Dietician: Bloat Edition

We sat down with our in-house registered dietitian, Gaby Vaca-Flores, RDN, to ask her your most burning questions about bloating. Want to learn more? DM us on Instagram or TikTok and we’ll be sure to include your questions in our next “Ask the Registered Dietitian” column.

Q: What are the most common dietary and lifestyle factors that contribute to bloating and how can we identify and control them?

Gaby: Difficult-to-digest foods, such as dairy or high-fiber foods, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are the main dietary factors that cause bloating.

Q: Can you explain the role of digestive enzymes in reducing bloating and how they work within the digestive system?

Gaby: Bloating occurs when nutrients from food are not fully digested. Therefore, nutrients are not absorbed efficiently and head to the lower intestine where they ferment, causing bloating and discomfort. Digestive enzymes help combat bloating because they help break down those nutrients into smaller parts that are more easily absorbed by the body.

Q: Are there specific foods or nutrients that naturally contain digestive enzymes or promote enzyme production in the body?

Gaby: Yes! Pineapple and papaya are two fruits that provide digestive enzymes to the body naturally. Specifically, they provide bromelain and papain, respectively, which help digest proteins.

Q: Who is a good candidate for Flatter Me?

Gaby: Flatter Me is great for those who have bloating issues and for healthy digestion. It is a popular supplement among food lovers and people who enjoy indulging in delicious foods that are difficult to digest.

Q: How do you take Flatter Me?

Gaby: For best results, take twice daily with meals. Pro tip: Take Flatter Me with the first few bites of your meal.

Q: What is the difference between Flatter Me and Flatter Me Extra Strength?

Gaby: Both formulas offer the clinically studied Flatter Me enzymes. However, Flatter Me Extra Strength will provide 50% more enzymes, making it a great choice for people who need additional digestive support.

Q: What should consumers look for when choosing a digestive enzyme supplement? Are there any ingredients they should avoid?

Gaby: Make sure your supplement offers a variety of enzymes that help break down different parts of your food, as this will help ensure you get well-rounded support. For example, Flatter Me offers 18 digestive enzymes that will help break down proteins, carbs, fats, fiber, and even milk sugars. The quality of the formula is also important. I suggest looking for a supplement that has additional third-party certifications and clinical studies backing up the efficacy of its ingredients.

Q: Can you give us some tips or strategies to maintain a healthy digestive system and prevent bloating on a day-to-day basis?

Gaby: A healthy digestive system is all about diet. Prioritizing variety, especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables, is a great way to support gut health and regularity—two important indicators of a healthy digestive system. Staying hydrated is also key to having a healthy functioning digestive system. One simple trick to staying properly hydrated is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 130 pounds, then your goal is to drink about 65 ounces of water (or a little over 8 cups of water) a day.

Optimize your digestion with digestive enzymes, especially when you indulge in foods that cause bloating. Flatter Me provides clinically studied enzymes to help reduce bloating and ease digestion.

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