There are so many emotions associated with hearing loss that it can sometimes feel overwhelming.
I’m frustrated!
I feel excluded.
Why can’t people remember to speak clearly?
When I feel overwhelmed by emotions, I sometimes take them out on the people closest to me. This is not a good strategy because hurting others is never a good long-term way to feel better. A more productive way to cope is to write about how you feel. And writing doesn’t do any harm, especially if you delete your speech before sending it.
Blogging helps me process the emotions my hearing loss brings up. Writing poetry about hearing loss might help, too. So when my dear friend wrote a quick haiku to honor a recent girls’ trip to the beach, I was inspired to try my hand at this ancient art form.

What is a Haiku?
Do you remember writing haikus in elementary school?
A haiku is a traditional Japanese poem of seventeen syllables spread across three lines of text. The lines form a 5-7-5 pattern, with the first and third lines containing 5 syllables and the second line containing 7. Haiku typically do not rhyme or use traditional punctuation. And for grammar experts, haiku is both the singular and plural forms of the word.
Haikus often focus on nature, the seasons, animals, or other parts of the natural world, but any topic is appropriate. Although short and concise, haikus can be evocative and emotional. My friend’s haikus is below.
The beach calls you
Sand, surf, salt, blue mind, wet fingers
Friends who are sisters
It is not beautiful?
My Hearing Loss Haiku
I’m not sure my haikus are as good as my friends’, but I’m sharing some of my favorites below. Please add your creations to the collection in the comments.
When you speak louder and slower
You include me too
Communication Tricks
Sitting with a friend
whose voice is too soft to hear
Worse than loneliness
Blah, murmur, blah, blah
The soft-voiced buzz trolls
Impossible words
Going out to dinner with friends
The group bursts into laughter.
Loneliness descends
And here goes one last promo…
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Readers, have you written a haiku about hearing loss?
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