166: The power of the microbiome with Seed co-founder, Ara Katz

I’m very excited to be able to chat with Ara Katz, co-founder of Seed, today.

This is what we discussed:

– The microbiome and how we can best support it

– The creation of Seed

– The importance of the vaginal microbiome and supporting this delicate ecosystem: we will hear more and more about this.

– Your tips for staying healthy in real life

and much more.

166: The Power of the Microbiome with Seed Co-Founder Ara Katz

Here is more information about Ara and her background:

You may already be familiar with Seed From their flagship product, DS-01®, which has captured the attention of the masses and earned the title of #1 selling probiotic, attracting the attention of celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Karlie Kloss and Cameron Diaz. But the story behind Seed and Ara extends far beyond their acclaimed product.

Ara is a dynamic three-time founder (recently named to CNBC’s inaugural Changemakers list) who has created, advised, and invested in some of the most notable consumer brands across consumer, health, and technology. Her path to science didn’t begin in a lab, but with personal challenges: 20 years ago, her mother’s pancreatic cancer diagnosis ignited her passion for health and science. Ara was later introduced to the microbiome through a miscarriage, struggles with breastfeeding, and realizing how little science informed the products she turned to. It was this journey that led her to found Seed Health. Seed has seen revenue growth of over 800% over the past 3 years, but it’s not just a business success story; it’s the culmination of Ara’s lifelong passion for technology, storytelling, and design, all harnessed to leverage science for the benefit of humanity. In addition to her role as CEO, Ara oversees the company’s environmental research through SeedLabs and co-leads LUCA Biologics, the company’s initiative focused on the vaginal microbiome for the future of women’s health.

Now, Ara is expanding Seed’s impact beyond the gut, with its first innovation targeting the vaginal microbiome, a defining moment for women’s health.

You can use 25FITNESSISTA to get 25% off Seed products, including their new VS-01, here.


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