18 Foods Highest in Zinc, Plus Its Benefits

Zinc is not a nutrient that most of us routinely think about, but is It is an essential mineral, so we must obtain it from food, since our body cannot produce it on its own. That is why it is important to consume foods rich in zinc to have a balanced diet.

Read on to find out which foods have the highest zinc content and which have less than you think.

What is zinc?

“Zinc is an essential mineral necessary for proper immune system function and wound healing. It also plays a role in other important bodily functions, such as protein synthesis and maintaining the sense of taste and smell,” says Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, owner of Amy Gorin Nutrition in the New York City area.

Benefits of zinc

Zinc may be last on the alphabetical list of essential nutrients, but it is responsible for some pretty important tasks. “Virtually every cell contains zinc,” says Laura N. BrownMS, RD, LD, director of nutrition at Kroger Health.

Supports immune function*

“Zinc plays An important role in your immune system,” Gorin says. “When you are zinc deficient, this impacts How T cells develop and function. T cells are responsible for many immune responses, such as attacking bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances. When you are deficient in zinc, you are more susceptible to disease because your natural immune defenses are down.”

This is why some people reach for a zinc lozenge when they start to feel a cold coming on.

Contributes to various bodily processes*

Brown broke down the other main functions of zinc:

How much zinc should I consume per day?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDI) is the average daily dietary intake of a given nutrient needed to meet the requirements of nearly all healthy individuals.

He Recommended daily dose of zinc is

  • Adult men: 11 mg
  • Adult women: 8 mg (during pregnancy: 11 mg; during lactation: 12 mg)

Are there any side effects from consuming too much zinc?

It’s easy to overdo zinc. “More is not better,” says Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD. “Zinc is a mineral, so it doesn’t break down.”

So what can happen?

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches

“Zinc toxicity can occur from foods or supplements,” Gorin says. “The tolerable upper limit is not very high, so be sure not to overdo it with supplements or pills. And if there are instructions on a supplement or pill that say to take the product only for a specific number of days or servings, be sure to follow them.”

What happens if I have zinc deficiency?

“Zinc deficiency is not common in developed countries,” Brown says. But it can occur and have many health consequences, especially for pregnant women, young children and older adults, who are more susceptible to deficiency.

Gorin broke down the potential symptoms: “The list is long and can include loss of appetite, diarrhea, impaired immunity, hair loss, weight loss, abnormal taste, eye and skin lesions, and even growth retardation, delayed sexual maturation or impotence.”

Main food sources of zinc

In general, foods highest in zinc are those of animal origin, especially seafood, Giancoli says. But don’t worry if you’re vegetarian or vegan, she says. Beans, whole grains, and fortified breakfast cereals and breads can help you meet your daily needs.

Giancoli cautions that if you rely on plant sources of zinc, you may need up to 50 percent more. “The phytates present in these foods actually bind some of the zinc and inhibit its absorption,” she says, adding that soaking or sprouting whole grains and legumes can help increase the bioavailability of not only zinc, but other nutrients as well.

Below is a rundown of some common zinc-rich foods, followed by some that are good sources and others that you might be surprised to discover are not as high in this essential mineral.

Foods rich in zinc

The following foods contain at least 2.2 mg of zinc per serving.

1. Oysters

Oysters on ice | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 32.2 mg | Portion size: 3 oz., raw

The same amount of canned oysters has a whopping 77 mg zinc. So don’t go overboard on oysters: 40 mg is considered the maximum safe level, says Giancoli.

2. Wheat germ

Wheat germ on a spoon | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 4.7 mg | Portion size: ¼ cup, toasted

Replace breakfast oatmeal with wheat germ or sprinkle it on yogurt as a snack.

3. Beef

Steak Plate | Foods Rich in Zinc

Zinc: 4 milligrams | Portion size: 3 oz., ground, 93% lean

Want to increase your protein intake? A burger with 7% zinc is not only an excellent source of zinc, but also contains almost 18 g of protein.

4. Pumpkin seeds

Spoonful of pumpkin seeds | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 2.5 mg | Portion size: ¼ cup, dry

Also known as “pepitas” when peeled, these small, crunchy seeds are perfect for use as a salad topping or as popcorn.

5. Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 2.9 mg | Portion size: 3 tablespoons, shelled

Three tablespoons of hulled hemp seeds are an excellent source of zinc and provide a total of 9 g of protein.

6. Lentils

Lentils in a bowl | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 2.5 mg | Portion size: 1 cup, cooked

“I recommend that everyone include legumes in their diet… These protein sources (18 g/cup) are among the best vegetarian sources of zinc,” Gorin says.

7. Chickpeas

Chickpeas | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 2.5 mg | Portion size: 1 cup, cooked

Bring on the hummus dessert! A one-cup serving of cooked chickpeas also contains nearly 15 g of protein.

8. Mussels

Mussels in a bowl | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 2.3 mg | Portion size: 3 oz., steamed

Shellfish like mussels are packed with minerals and vitamins, including B12.

9. Yogur

Insulated yogurt cup | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 2.2 mg | Portion size: 1 cup, plain, low fat

The nutrient density and versatility of yogurt make it perfect for finding creative ways to incorporate more of it into your meals.

Good food sources of zinc

The following foods contain at least 1.1 mg of zinc per serving.

10. Oats

Isolated image of oats | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 1.6 mg | Portion size: ½ cup, fortified

One more reason to eat overnight oats for breakfast!

11. Cashews

Isolated image of cashew | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 1.6 mg | Portion size: 1 ounce, raw

A serving of cashews is also an excellent source of iron and magnesium, has healthy fats, and is a good source of protein (5 g). You can even get part of your RDA in the form of vegan cheese.

12. Shrimp

Isolated image of shrimp | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 1.4 grams | Portion size: 3 ounces.

A serving of cooked shrimp is high in protein (20 g) and is also a good source of zinc.

13. Turkey breast

Isolated image of turkey breast | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 1.3 mg | Portion size: 3 oz., roasted

In addition to providing 25 grams of protein, a serving of roasted turkey is a good source of zinc. So add some turkey recipes to your meal plan this week!

14. Swiss cheese

Isolated image of Swiss cheese | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: 1.2 mg | Portion size: 1 ounce.

Zinc values ​​vary for different types of cheese, but Swiss cheese is a great choice, providing 1.2 mg of zinc per ounce and being very affordable. You can also get about 10 percent of your daily value from a single serving of Gruyère and Gouda cheese.

15. Rice

Wild rice isolated image | Foods rich in zinc

Zinc: Varies | Portion size: ½ cup, cooked

The amount of zinc in rice varies. Half a cup of cooked brown rice contains less than 1 mg of zinc, but half a cup of cooked wild rice contains 1.1 mg.

These foods contain less than one gram of zinc

The following are the foods most associated with internet searches for zinc that don’t quite qualify as “good” sources of the mineral.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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