Yelp Enhances Accessibility for Users with Disabilities: New Features and Resources for Businesses

Yelp has introduced new accessibility features to help people with disabilities connect with local businesses. In collaboration with disability advocacy groups, Yelp has added searchable accessibility attributes, AI-powered alt text for photos, and an accessibility resource center for business owners. These initiatives aim to meet the diverse needs of the 42 million Americans with disabilities, making it easier for users to find companies that meet their specific mobility, hearing and vision accessibility requirements.

New accessibility attributes include features such as accessible parking, ADA-compliant entrances and bathrooms, and no steps or stairs for ease of mobility. Regarding hearing accessibility, businesses can now indicate whether they have staff proficient in American Sign Language (ASL) and provide closed captioning on televisions. Visual accessibility attributes include the availability of Braille menus and QR code menus, allowing visually impaired users to access information on their devices. These attributes can be searched using phrases such as “Wheelchair Accessible,” “ASL Proficient,” and “Braille Menus,” and are listed in a new “Accessibility” section on business pages.

The image shows two mobile screens of the Yelp app, illustrating the new accessibility features available to businesses. On the left screen, below the "Information" tab for "Tacos on Main," There is a drop-down menu that shows "Accessibility" with attributes such as "ADA Compliant Bathroom" and "Mastery of sign language." Other features listed include casual dining, outdoor seating, and payment options, with a section to update the community on the accessibility of the business entrance. The right screen displays the "Information" tab for "Darwin's restaurant" with a focus on "Accessibility" Section. This section includes attributes such as "Wheelchair accessible," "Accessible parking near the entrance," "ADA compliant main entrance," "No steps or stairs," "ADA compliant bathroom," "QR code menus available," "Subtitles on televisions," "proficient in ASL," and "Braille menus available." This detailed list is intended to help users easily identify companies that meet various accessibility needs.

To further improve the user experience for people with visual impairments, Yelp has implemented AI-powered alternative text descriptions for photos, improved color contrast, and better screen reader functionality. This ensures that users who rely on screen readers can access detailed descriptions of photos, such as menu items or signature cocktails, helping them make informed decisions about local businesses. These AI-powered descriptions are currently available for desktop and will be expanded to all platforms and categories.

Yelp has also launched a Accessibility Resource Center to support business owners in adopting inclusive practices. This hub provides tools and information from leaders in disability inclusion, offering guidance on how to create more accessible spaces. Yelp remains dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment for both its employees and the broader community through continued investments in accessibility programs and policies.

Fountain: Yelp

Practical steps for small businesses to improve accessibility without spending a fortune

Large companies like Yelp may have the budget or funds to revamp their website to offer these amazing features. However, smaller businesses can improve their accessibility without incurring significant costs by adopting several practical strategies:

Take advantage of free or low-cost tools

  • Alternative text for images: Use free tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini either claudio Generate and add detailed and appropriate alternative text to images on websites, ensuring that visually impaired users can understand visual content through screen readers.
  • Website Accessibility Checkers – Use free online tools like WAVE either Google’s lighthouse to assess and improve website accessibility. These tools can identify areas that need adjustments, such as color contrast and keyboard navigation.

Train staff on accessibility

  • Provide basic training to employees on how to assist customers with disabilities. This can include simple steps such as learning basic phrases in sign language or understanding how to respectfully offer assistance.
  • Free training resources can often be found online or through local community organizations dedicated to disability inclusion.

Implement simple physical changes

  • Ensure entrances are accessible by adding ramps or portable ramps if permanent solutions are not feasible.
  • Arrange furniture to create wide hallways and clear paths, making spaces easier to navigate for people who use wheelchairs or mobility devices.

Accessible communication

  • Use clear, simple language in written communications, both online and offline. This helps people with cognitive disabilities and non-native speakers.
  • Provides multiple contact options such as email, phone, and text messages to meet different communication preferences.

Inclusive digital practices

  • Offer content in multiple formats, such as transcripts of audio content and subtitles for videos. Tools like YouTube’s automatic subtitles can be a starting point.
  • Implement user-friendly QR codes to access digital menus or product information, making it easier for visually impaired customers to use their devices to read content.

Partner with local disability organizations To get feedback on how to make the company more accessible. These organizations can provide valuable information, often at little or no cost.
Participate in local programs or initiatives that promote accessibility and inclusion, which can also improve the company’s reputation within the community.

Grant Opportunities

Look for grants and funding opportunities specifically targeted at improving accessibility. Governments and non-profit organizations often offer financial support. for companies looking to make accessibility improvements.

By implementing these strategies, smaller businesses can create more inclusive environments without significant financial burdens. Prioritizing accessibility not only expands the customer base, but also fosters a community that values ​​and supports all people.

ChatGPT, a potential tool for increased accessibility, was used to aid in the research and writing of this blog post. Do you think this is an appropriate use of chatGPT? Why or why not? Let me know!

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